秋の演能会  日時 10月10日(祝) 10時00分開演     

                    場所 文化センター  入場無料

  舞囃子「玄象」   シテ 
            浜崎幸子   山田風月   佐藤 馨   平山 昇  
           地謡 小林 忠 河合正弘 湯田真佐弘 長沼常哲

 「経政」(宝生流) あらすじstory

   シテ 坂内庄一  ワキ  松尾幸生
   大 山田風月    小 折笠成美  笛 堀 篤子
   地謡 渡部藤之丞 上野正義  皆川米作  鈴木直寿  稲村忠兵エ 中村寿男  伊藤 毅 平林光雄
   後見 丑米義弘   小野木 保  平山 昇

   舞囃子「猩々」(宝生流)   シテ 船木真一
                 大 平山 昇   小 山田風月   一条正夫   岩淵健一  

                   地謡  伊藤 正  松川善之助  佐藤昌一  佐藤信英

●経政  二番目(修羅)物。時は秋。所は京、仁和寺。





This story is called Shuramono and is the second program. Shuramono(dou ) is one of the hell into which the samurai falls after death, and is the world of suffering to which killing one another continues there through all eternity. The place is Ninna-ji Palace in autumn.

Heike family's Tairanotsunemasa is an expert of the Japanese lute and is a young nobleman. He was loved by a prince Syukakuhossin, and given a Japanese lute "Seizan". He deposited Seizan to Ninna-ji temple, and went to the western front with the family because he did not want to lose the rare utensil "Seizan" by the fight. However, he was killed in the battle at Itinotani on the way.
Kangenkou ( a funeral with the stringed instrument) for the soul of Tsunemasa is held in Ninna-ji temple by direction of the prince Syukakuhossin.
Kangenkou continued to midnight,and Tsunemasa of the appearance of a young samurai appears while the shadow is faint. He talks that he returned to the human world for the obsession. Only his voice hears into the faint shadow. He brings up and picks the lute "Seizan" and speaks that he spent satisfied and joyful in this world. He answers that he is Tunemasa when Gyoukei of the Waki post calls him. He keeps playing the lute while imagining,recollecting various scenes, and spends the time of bliss. Suddenly the anger and regret about having been killed by the fight welled up in him. He dances Cakeri before long. Soon he is caught up into an unmeasured fight against Asyura and Taisyakuten's army and fights violently in the hell named Syuradou. He finds himself changed into an ugly appearance and is ashamed of it. And soon he is diverted to the dark and disappears when daybreak will begin to become near before long.


能「経政」  仁和寺の守覚法親王は、若くして一の谷で討ち死にした平経政の供養の為に、管弦講を催す事を告げる。




能 「葛城」 

  前シテ 野崎邦子 後シテ 渡部ヒロ子  ワキ 有我嘉雄 
  大 船木真一 小 折笠成美 太 森田ルリ子 笛 山田風月
  地謡 山垣美枝子 遠藤ヒロ子 山田ミヤ子 宗像真弓 石田セツ子 玉川おくに 大塚利衛 五十嵐常子   
  後見  佐藤ヨシカ 瓜生光子 星茂富美
                 装束方 丸山美伊子 岸英一郎 小野木和子 佐藤ヨネ 森田ルリ子他

 解説 あらすじ   三番目物また四番目物。時は冬。所は大和葛城山。


 Noh Kazuragi is made from the myth as follows. A godness of Mt Kazuragi was bound to the rock by the rope of Hudohmyohou with Tsutacazura (very heavy ivy) because she disobeyed the order to build the bridge between the mountains.

An ascetic in Mt Haguro comes to snowy Mt Kazuragi. He is taking a rest,suffering the heavy snow, under the tree. A local woman, shouldering the firewoods,appears to there. She takes along him to house in the valley because it become cold night.
She burns Shimoto(the firewood)for warmth. She explains the origin of the name Shimoto. She asks the ascetic to save her from suffering of three-heat in Buddhism when the night grows old, and the ascetic starts praying. She says "I am a god in Mt Kazuragi and now am suffering of three heat that was given by Hudohmyohou,and I was left in the cave".
And "My body have been bound to the rock because I disobeyed Ennojyoujya's instruction"she said.
She asks for him to save her from the suffering. She appears when he is praying till midnight.
Her appearance is just like as noble greatest god Amaterasuookami who came out from Amano-Iwato(the door made of large rock) of Takamagahara(heaven). But it was a miserable appearance that the body had been roped with Tstacazra. She identifies with Amaterasuookami and she sing a god song dancing Yamatomai.
The godness of Kaduragi is ashamed of her ugly face that becomes clearly in the snow scene under the moonlight and she returns to the cave again before the morning doesn't dawn.

能「葛城」  羽黒山の山伏達が葛城山へ修行にやって来るが、突然の大雪で足止めを食ってしまう。





                                                写真提供 鈴木圭介
(文責 船木真一)

   舞囃子「猩々」   シテ 
         大 平山 昇   小 山田風月   一条正夫   岩淵健一  
          地謡  伊藤 正 松川善之助 佐藤昌一 佐藤信英

 素謡  八嶋(みやび会) 蝉丸(宝円会・龍宝会)鞍馬天狗(能楽会A)
 呉服(輝雲会・喜宝会)   海人(能楽会B)  定家(観世)

鶴ケ城薪能(第19回) 会津祭り協賛行事    演能の記録

                   日時 平成17年9月23日 17時30分開演   

  (観世流)  井筒  神田サダ子    松風  松枝千代子
                           地謡  小林  忠 河合政弘 湯田真佐弘 長沼常哲    

         (宝生)  難波  五十嵐久子    巻絹  浜崎幸子
                        地謡 堀篤子 瓜生光子 佐藤ヨシカ 古田豊子 渡部静子 
 「小袖曽我」            (参考)「曽我物語」の能

    テ(十郎祐成) 一条正夫   ツレ(五郎時致) 船木真一  ツレ(曽我兄弟の母)   渡部妙子
              ツレ(團三郎)   伊東 正   ツレ(鬼王)    青山 伯   トモ(母の従者)      鈴木圭介

                     大鼓 坂内庄一    小鼓 折笠成美     山田和彦

            地謡 上野正義 角田喜久雄 佐藤健一 佐藤信英 佐藤昌一 中村寿男 稲村忠兵エ 岩淵健一
                 後見 松川善之助  丑米義弘  小野木 保

                 装束方 丸山美伊子 岸栄一郎 佐藤ヨネ 小野木和子 森田ルリ子 ほか

●小袖曽我 解説あらすじ

これは建久4年(AC1193)の5月半ばの話です。鎌倉幕府の源頼朝公は、富士 の裾野での大規模な狩りを計画し、諸国の武将達に狩のお供をするように命じます。曽我十郎祐成と弟五郎時致の兄弟はその狩りに参加し、このまたとない機会を利用して父の敵である工藤祐経 を討つ計画をたてます。すでに死を覚悟した曾我兄弟は、最後の別れをするため、曾我の里に住む母をたずねます。母は兄の祐成に会って大変喜びますが、勘当した弟のは会おうとはしません。兄の祐成は時致の勘当を許してくれと母に懇願します.



The story of the Noh play Kosodesoga takes place in May of the fourth year of Kenkyu (1193). Minamoto Yoritomo, then the leader of the Kamakura Shogunate, planned a large-scale hunting trip in the skirts of Mt. Fuji, ordering generals across the nation to participate. Soga Juroh Sukenari and Soga Goroh Tokimune, two brothers, took part in the hunt, with the ulterior motive of attacking and killing Kudou Suketune, their father's enemy. The brothers, set upon death of their enemy or their own death, visited their mother in Soga to bid her a final farewell. She was gladdened by Sukenari's visit, but refused to see Tokimune, who had been disinherited by the family. His older brother appealed on his behalf for his mother to see him.
However, the mother became increasingly infuriated and decided to disinherit Sukenari as well. Long before, Kudou Suketune killed their father on a hunting expedition, so the hunting trip was an opportunity for revenge to the two brothers, but the mother seemed not to understand the meaning of the trip. The brothers, heads hanging low, headed towards the hunt. Shortly after their departure, the mother realized the meaning of the hunt and in a panicked voice called after her sons. Finally the sons had gotten through to their mother. Together they celebrated the brothers' departure with cups of sake.
The brothers danced with joy, knowing they would soon leave this world. In the end, the brothers killed their enemy and their story was sung in voices that were heard beyond the heights of Mt. Fuji.

The view point are the scean of the permission of disinherit and the duet dance.






一同は曽我の里に着きます。先ずは兄十郎祐成が母へ挨拶に... 母は上機嫌で迎えます。





薪能翌日の早朝、打ち上げで飲んだアルコールが抜け切らない中、舞台の大道具を収納する方々... 本当にご苦労様でした。

春の演能会   5月22日(日)  文化センター   場所 文化センター   AM10:00〜 
能 「東北」 前シテ
石田セツ子 後シテ 古田豊子 ワキ 伊東 正 

           大鼓 船木真一 小鼓 阿部晃司 笛 野崎邦子

地謡 和田保子 宇田宣子 金川照子 大野千佳子 五十嵐常子 佐藤ヨシカ 瓜生光子 志波幸世

 松川善之助 丑米義弘 上野正義

 僧が法華経の譬喩品を読んでいると、先ほどの女が美しい上臈の姿で現れ、かつて藤原道長がこの御所の前を牛車で通りながらその譬喩品を読経した時、自分は「門の外 法の車の音を聞けば 我も火宅を出でにけるかな」と詠んだが、その功徳によって死後火宅の苦しみを受けずに、歌舞の菩薩となったのだと語る。式部は「和歌の徳」を述べ、東北院が霊地であることを讃え、静かで美しい舞(序之舞)を舞い、やがて僧に暇を請い、方丈に姿を消す(文責 山田和彦)


Noh Touboku is made from the legend of Izumi Sikibu, a female poet at the Heian era . The place is Touboku-In in spring (In means aristocrat's villa and palace).
A Butthist monk who has came to the capital Kyoto from the eastern country, and he is gazing to the plum tree( named Izumi Sikibu) that blooms beautifully. A beautiful woman shows up out of thin air and tells him. She says that this tree was named Nokibanoume (The plum tree planted in the vicinity of the eaves is meant) though this is called Izumishikibu (a love poet with famous Heian age) or Ousyukubai (The plum tree to which the bush warbler stops is meant). Izumishikibu planted this when here was Jyotohmon emperor's palace in old times. In addition, the woman talks about the bedroom where Izumisikibu slept in the interior.
The plum tree smells beautiful as still yearned for an ancient hostess. And she says, "I am not a person of this world but am a hostess of this plum tree, and my name is Izumisikibu" and vanishes secretly to the shade of the flower. The woman ahead shows up by the appearance of a beautiful lady.
She talks. "The worry about my love were cleared when I heard the sound of passing oxcart and Mitinaga's sutra recitation of Hokke from the outside of the gate"

Now I have never recieve the suffering of the evil passion after I died. It is the reason why I had read the Japanese poem piously. Therefore, I was able to become Bosatu ( Buddha under song and dance life). She continues her talk about the effect of the Japanese poem making. She praises that Toubokuin is a sacred place of the Japanese poem. And, she dances Jonomae, and disappears to a small room before long quietly and beautifully.(by ksk)

   前シテはすでに完了。後シテの着付け中 お調べが止み、幕が上がり、まず囃子方が舞台に入る。 橋掛かりで見所正面を向く。緊張の様子が伝わる。

囃子方とほぼ同時に舞台右より地謡が入っている。  ワキは囃子方に続き舞台に入りワキ座に座る。 シテとワキが、「梅の木」について話している。シテは和泉式部が植えた軒端の梅であるといい、僧にお経を読んで欲しいと頼む場面。シテ座の隅柱を梅に見立てて話をしている。

前シテがワキに「軒端の梅」についての、詳しく語り、自分は梅ノ木の主の和泉式部であると言い、梅の木陰に消えてしまう(舞台から去る。中入り前) 後シテ、序の舞(ゆったりした典雅な舞の種類。所作に表意性はない)。上の写真は地謡の内容に合わせ舞うところ。「鳥は古巣に帰るぞとてーー」



大鼓 角田久美子小鼓山田風月 太鼓一条正夫 石田桂子       地謡長沼常哲 河合政弘 湯田真佐弘 小林 忠


                                    シテ 渡部静子 大鼓 平山 昇 小鼓  折笠成美   五十嵐久子

                                    地謡 山田智子 山田ミヤ子 馬場律子 星茂登美  大塚利衛 渡部妙子

能 「黒塚」

前シテ 玉川おくに 後シテ 平山 昇 ワキ 船木真一 ワキツレ 木村武晴
            大鼓 坂内庄一   小鼓 折笠成美   太鼓 佐藤ヨシカ   山田和彦

        地謡 鈴木圭介 佐藤信英 平林光雄 星英男 稲村忠兵エ 中村寿男 伊藤毅 佐藤昌一

           後見 松川善之助 小野木保 丑米義弘 一条正夫 上野正義 伊東 正
               装束方 丸山美伊子 岸英一郎 小野木和子 佐藤ヨネ 森田ルリ子他 


見所は、前段の糸を繰りながら秋の情趣をしみじみと謡い人生のつれなさを嘆く「静」の場面と、後段の祐慶と鬼女の対決、恨みを晴らせないまま次第に調伏されていく鬼女の悔しさを表現する「動」の場面にある。(文責 山田和彦)


Noh Krozuka is a work made from Adatigahara hag legend. The place is Adatigahara in autumn ( current Fukushima Prefecture). A Buddhist monk of Nati ( current Wakayama Prefecture), Ajyari Yuukei and his followers go out to the travel for the purpose of the training and praying buddhist temples.
The day grew dark, when they arrived at Adatigahara(wasteland) on the way of the travel. They try to take the hotel but there is not a house either. They find a light far away, and go to borrow the lodging for one night. There is a mistress in the rude house and she refuses their offer ,saying that "It is not possible to lodge because here is too unsightly " When Yuukei appeals her for the lodging many times, at last she approves the lodging. She prepares the bed with Kayamusiro (a kind of the carpet that is knited from the grass ). He finds a strange tool to the corner of the room, and he asks her , "Is this a tool used for what?" She answers. "It is called Wakukasewa. It is a tool for a person as poor as me to spin hemp" She begins to turn the string in the room that the moonlight opens. She mutters while turning the string, and throws tears. "While the spining wheel is turned, the string never stop turning. Human being cannot apart from the worldly dull and gloomy as like as the string" She chants the song that makes the poetic sentiment of autumn, and grieves for a thin,long life like the string. She stops the spining finally.
Because it becomes cold night , she says that I will take the firewood from the hillback. "Don't peep into a next room in my absence" However, he breaks the prohibition, and peeps into a room after the woman goes out.
A lot of corpses were piled up there, and the stream of the blood were vast all over the floor. He learned that the demon lives in this rude house. They are terrified and they run away. She becomes demon's appearance because the secret was exposed by him. You violated the promise although I told that you must not to peep into her room. "It is impossible that my grudge is not dispelled. I will eat you at a stretch". She attacks them fiercely. When he recites desperately the Buddhist scriptures, the magic of the ogress has gradually becomes weak. The ogress left a terrific voice and will disappear before long.
The viewpoint of the former steps is a scene of "Quietness"; the woman grieves for an empty,bitter life while turning over the string. The viewpoint of latter part is a scene of confrontation "Movement"between Yuukei and the ogress. The scene expresses mortifying gradually cursed without working off a grudge of the ogress.(by ksk)

装束をつける順序も軽い役のほうから。ワキの着付け中。シテの素顔。緊張はこれからだ。舞台つくりや、装束方も、囃子方も全部本会の会員。 ワキとワキツレが情景や次第を説明している。布で覆っている作り物はあばら屋、中に前シテを隠して舞台に運ばれる。運ぶのは後見人の役目のひとつ。このあと覆いの布を剥がし、家の中の前シテが観客に姿をあらわす。

枠かせ輪(糸巻き)を運ぶ後見人。また、役者が台詞を度忘れした場合などもそっと教えてやる。後見人は能舞台の経験豊富な人が勤める。   前半の見所、世のはかなさを嘆く、静の場面

薪を背にして、鬼の姿となって後シテの登場。約束を破った僧に怒り襲いかかる後半のクライマックス、動の場面のスタート 舞の種類で言う「祈り」の場面。攻撃・抵抗と祈祷の一進一退写真は鬼女の怒りを僧達は必死になって調伏したため、鬼が弱りはじめ、柱に手をやり漸く立っているところ。

調伏により、鉄杖を振り上げる力も弱くなってきた。 鉄杖はすでに手から離れ、扇を持って退散寸前の場面。僧たちはワキ座に戻って座っている。

    5月1日(日)  県立博物館特設舞台での 演能 「黒塚」 が成功裡に終了