令和4年「春の演能」令和4年5月29日(日) 会津能楽堂 入場無料 午前10時から
素謡 張良 藤栄 加茂物狂 雲雀山 大江山 禅師曽我 烏帽子 photoなし

左「草紙洗」シテ山垣美枝子 大鼓 坂内庄一 小鼓 松井恒子 笛 星田光子
右「藤」 佐藤文江 太鼓一条正夫 大鼓 舟木真一 小鼓 松井恒子 笛 栗城幸子
下「須磨源氏」 シテ 小島原一枝 太鼓 山垣正英 大鼓 舟木真一 小鼓 馬場則子 笛 角田久美子
東国の僧が都に上がり、春のある日、清水寺を訪れ、そこで箒を持った少年と出会い、聞けば地主権現に仕える者であると言います。清水寺の来歴を尋ねる僧に、少年は、坂上田村麻呂が建立した謂れを語り、又、問われるままに少年が近隣の名所を挙げるうちに日も暮れ、やがて月が花に照り映える春の宵を迎えます。少年と僧は「春宵一刻値千金」 の詩文を共に口ずさみ、清水寺の桜を楽しみます。少年は折からの景色を讃えながら舞を添え、田村麻呂ゆかりの田村堂に入っていきました。(中人)
夜半、僧が法華経を読経していると、武者姿の田村麻呂の霊が現れ、田村麻呂はかつて、鈴鹿山の朝敵を討ち、国土を安全にせよとの宣旨を受けて軍勢を率いて観音に参り、願をかけたことを語り見事に賊を討ち果たした有様を見せ、これも観音の仏力によ るものと述べて終曲となります。
前シテ 大野 篤 後シテ 平山 昇 ワキ 新井田 大 地謡 山垣正英 鈴木圭介 渋川兼三 一条正夫 長沢 豊 後見 松井恒子 佐藤よしか |
会津鶴ヶ城「薪能」羽衣 例年9月23日(祝日)
場所、会津能楽堂 入場無料 17時30分から テント、椅子あり
●羽 衣
白龍は一本の松の木を見上げると、見馴れない美しい 衣がかかっています。近寄ってみますと、その美しさといい、香りといいとても言葉ではあらわすことが出来ません。これはただの衣ではないので、家の宝にしようと思い、これを取って帰ろうとすると、
白龍は自分の言葉を恥じて衣を返します。天人は衣を受け取り舞台後ろに下がって衣を纏います。 この間を「物着」といいますが、この間,大・小鼓はアシライという打ち方を続けます。
東遊びの駿河湾を舞い、厳粛に格調高く「序の舞」を舞う | 富士の高嶺のかなたへ、次第に空高く舞い上がって、遂に霞にまぎれて消え失せてしまうのです。 |
The stage of today is made from the Hagoromo legend with which the Japanese is familiar for a long time.
Today’s performance is “Hagoromo”, one of the best works in Noh. The setting is quite simple, which is a characteristic of Noh. Some artificial properties on the stage express the pine trees along the shore (Miho-no-matsubara ). We would like you to imagine that you see Mt Fuji whose top is covered with snow from the beautiful sandy beach in a soft, spring breeze .
There, with the music, Hakuryo the fisherman and his fellows come on the stage. They sing about the peaceful spring on the shore.
When Hakuryo goes up to Miho-no-matubara, he find the excellent music and strange smells there and wonder. Hakuryo looks up at a pine and finds the incredibly beautiful piece of clothing hanging from a branch. It has an amazing fragrance and marvelous appearance. So he decides to bring it back and keep as his own treasure.
Suddenly, he hears a beautiful woman (the leading role, her dress expresses the appearance of the water bathing in.) claiming that the cloth is hers. She says that she is a TEN-NYO( heavenly woman) and the cloth is her cape for flying ( Hagoromo in Japanese), so it should not belong to any humans. He is surprised to hear that and even insists he keep it to make it the national treasure.
The woman looks lost, telling him that she can not go back to where she came from without it. She expresses her grief with looking up the clouds in the sky and the geese flying home. The man thinks it is too cruel for her to keep her cloth, thus he promises to return it once she dances for him. She gladly says. “Please give it back to me now. ” Hakuryou says, “If I give back the cape to you, you will go back to heaven without showing the dance to me.” The woman answers, “A man on earth may behave in such a manner, but a heavenly creature never behaves like that. We keep our promises.”
Being quite ashamed of his own words, Hakuryo decides to give it back to her. The woman goes behind the stage to put on the cape. During this scene, the drums keep playing a specific rhythm called Ashirai.
Then the woman starts dancing, describing the heaven and eventually goes up into the sky. With the elegance of her dance, she disappears in the mist of the Mt Fuji. In this scene, drums add a vivid rhythm and make the atmosphere more lively.( by ksk)