上演される能のあらすじ( English )と解説 


→黒塚→西王母→玉葛須磨源氏→田村→藤 →女郎花→ 小督 → 羽衣→雲雀山→竹生嶋→ 


 Yashima(2009)→ Atsumori(2008)Hagoromo→syoujyoh→kotyou→kokaji→Momijigari→


Sumagenji →Tamura→Fuji →Ominameshi→Kogou→Hagoromo→Hibariyama→Tikubushima →



多くの能では主人公のシテは前半で は人間の姿を借りて出てきますが、実は故人の霊や神・鬼あるいは花の精などです。後半になると,後シテ本性を現し,面も衣装もがらりと変わります。羽衣や猩々は一幕ものに相当しまするものもあります。                                                             芝居のようにワキは顔の表情を変えたり、大げさな身振りもありません。したがって、役者のどのような動作の中に感情表現があるのか、捜しながら御覧になるのも楽しいことでしょう。

In most Noh performances, the leading character (shite) takes the form of a human during the first half of the play, but is actually a God, Buddha, Demon, or Fairy. In the second half of the play, the shite reveals his true character, evident from dramatic changes in mask and costume.               The supporting actor (waki), on the other hand, does not change his facial expression nor does he make any exaggerated gestures. This contrast presents an interesting opportunity to discover what kinds of actions express emotions for different characters.

Preliminary Knowledge for Appreciating Noh

Noh, (noh or nohgaku) is defined as a theatrical art in which masked actors dance to the accompaniment of chanting and music. Similar to Western operas and musicals, it is a theatrical art that is performed with music (ohayashi) and a chorus (jiutai). There are various types of noh, but in terms of the structure of the story the plays are roughly classified as mugen (fantasy) noh or gendai (realistic) noh . Although there is much variation, many noh plays have a first and second half with an interval inbetween.
In the first half of mugen noh (fantasy or dream), the waki ("the side player" or supporting character), who is usually a traveler or clergymen, meets the leading character. The leading character (called the shite, a deceased person`s ghost or the spirit of gods, ogres, and other beings) borrows the form of a human being. While the waki and shite exchange dialogue and chant, the shite indirectly hints at his real identity and exits the stage.

After an intermission, the shite reappears in his true form. The waki interacts with the shite and hears about the shite`s past-the origin of hatred or resentment. The plot revolves around the shite`s reminiscence and dance. The whole story takes places in the vision of a dream.
In gendai noh (realistic), the characters are all real men and women, young and old. The plot follows a regular dramatic storyline.
The leading actor (shite) wears a mask (called men or omote). If the shite is accompanied by a woman, that actor also wears a mask. In all programs, the waki (the supporting actor, or "side" actor) is a real person and does not wear a mask. Exceptionally, there is some noh that does not use masks at all. Since the shite is masked and the waki is not, when performing on stage

The movements of noh are extremely fixed and symbolic. For example, the gesture of "crying" (called shiori) is performed by grasping tears or lowering one`s head. There is no movement such as looking to the sky and enduring tears or wiping tears with the palm. Also, there is a movement called hiraki ("opening") which can express angry, joy, high spirits, dejection, etc. It is performed by taking three steps and stretching the arms to the left and right. With the knowledge of noh gestures such as these, you will be able to appreciate noh more. The audience can appreciate noh by imagining the scene and emotion through the actor`s subtle movements and props.
Since the shite is wearing a mask, it is easy for the audience to concentrate and stare. They must also be able to read the change of expression from the shite`s subtle gestures and movement of the mask. When you notice that change, you may become captivated by noh `s artistic quality and the mysterious appeal the noh mask possesses.
The words of noh dialogue and chants are difficult to understand. In the chants, there are poems (waka), Chinese historical happenings, and words of Chinese origin that many people are not familiar with today. Before seeing noh, it is recommended to read the synopsis.

The front of the noh stage (called kagami ita) is decorated with only one old pine tree and it does not have an explanatory purpose. No matter what the time or place, the backdrop is always the same. The stage is minimalistic and symbolic. Only the few symbolic stage props needed to perform a certain play are used.
For example, the play "Chikubushima" begins in Kyoto. In a lyric description of a scenic journey en route (called michiyuki), a boat travels from Shinomiya kawahara through Hashiiri, Ousaka no seki, the town of Shiga to Lake Biwako. The boat lands at Chikubushima, an island in the lake. However, the only stage props are a shrine, a boat, and a pole. Therefore, the audience must imagine the stage scenery from themselves. According to the play, the scenery could be a temple surrounded by cherry blossoms in full-bloom or a glittering palace.
Some people have drawn attention to the fact that when Western theatre finally arrived at symbolic staging, in Japan it had already been accomplished 600 years prior.
In contrast to the simple staging, noh costumes (karaori and kosode) have spectacular and colorful patterns. The costumes have undergone various improvements over many years. Since the movement of noh is stylized, the costumes are an essential part of the performance.

Noh dance is divided into the following two categories:
1. Dance with chorus and music. The chorus chants along with the music as the shite dances.
2. Dance with only music. This dance`s purpose it not only to directly tell the story, but more importantly to enliven and dramatize the climax. This dance is usually the highlight of the noh performance.
Furthermore, there are many of types of dances depending on the character and the context. There are dances specific to men, women, gods, heavenly maidens, demons, warriors, etc. The types of dance can also be specified by tempo. ( by Nyssa Shannon)




●Tutigumo( spider in the soil)

Minamoto no Raikou, a famous warrior and chief of the Seiwa Genji clan, has been affected by sickness lately. His maid Kochou returns to his residence with medicine prepared by Tenyakunokami (a secretary in the drugstore). He grieves, "I haven't much energy left for anything due to sickness. I am awaiting my death." Kochou encourages him "The sickness is painful, but medical treatment will lead to your recovery."
One night, an unknown monk shows up at the bedside of the sleeping Raikou. The monk transforms into the apparition of Tsuchigumo, a spider monster. Tsuchigumo vomits the strings of a spider's web. Raikou cuts at the apparition with his sword in self-defense. Raikou stabs at Tsuchigumo who tries to run away many times. Tsuchigumo cannot endure Raikou`s attacks and disappears at last.
Hitorimusha, a warrior serving Raikou, hears the commotion and runs there. Raikou explains the situation. He says, "I was able to drive Tsuchigumo away thanks to this celebrated sword." He says that the sword hereafter will be named Kumokiri, which means "spider slayer." Raikou sends Hitorimusha to finish off Tsuchigumo. Hitorimusha traces the blood that has dropped here and there , tracking Tsuchigumo back to its lair.
Hitorimusya and two attendants trace the blood, and at last arrive in front of a big tomb. They begin to destroy the tomb and remove the stone. Flames and water spouting from the tomb assault the warriors. An ogre, the apparition of a spider, appears between the rocks. The ogre attacks the warriors and says, "I approached this world to do harm Raikou, but instead I am facing the crisis of my life." The ogre is beheaded after a violent fight, and the warriors return to the capital with great glee.
The highlight of this Noh is maibataraki, a violent fight dance between the warriors and the ogre.(Nyssa Shannon)





カケリは修羅道の苦しみや物狂い、不安などを表す所作のことです。精神的な興奮状態、心の動揺や苦痛を表現するものです。(文責 鈴木)

Two priests (the waki and wakitsure) from the capital on the way to the western country pilgrimage enter the stage with shidai music (quiet entrance music ). They arrive at Yashima Bay and sing of the moon and the ocean.Afterwards, they sit down at the wakiza (the area at downstage left).
Yashima Bay is in Sanuki Province (the present Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Shikoku) and was the place of a famous battle between the Taira (or Heike) and Minamoto (or Genji) clans (historically in 1185). The Minamoto forces were lead by Yoshitsune, a famous general.
The following content of the first half is omitted because of the presentation time. The performance resumes in the latter half.

A fisherman (maejite, main actor of the first half) appears.
The priest asks the fisherman for a night's lodging in the salt-house and is at first refused because the house is so poor. But the fisherman relents when the priest asks about the battle fought here.
The fisherman tells the priests in detail about the struggle between Kagekiyo of the Taira and Mionoya of the Minamoto. The chorus describes how Sato Tsuginobu took an arrow in place of Yoshitsune and the Lord of Noto was in turn struck down. The priest doubts that a poor fisherman would be so well informed about the Genji-Heike war and asks for the old man`s name. The old fisherman says at dawn, when he is a Shura, he will reveal his name. He disappears hinting that he is Yoshitsune`s revenant, urging the priests not to awake from their dream.

The latter half resumes with the priests` waiting songs.
That night the priests dream of the dignified armored figure of Yoshitsune (nochi-shite, main actor of the second half). Yoshitsune speaks of his tenacious and devotional mind in the battle at Yashima .He reenacts dropping his bow in the sea (this incident is known as yumi nagashi, or the Dropped Bow) during the battle. Yoshitsune performs a vigorous kakeri dance in anguish and then mimes the continuous battle of Asura hell. Before long, he disappears with the daybreak. Afterwards, only the sound of the sea breeze remains.

The highlights of this Noh might be the iguse(a section in which the actor sits and does not dance) that express Yoshitsune's yumi nagashi (the Dropped Bow), followed by the violent anguish of the kakeri dance. The kakeri is a type of dance used for warriors in a deranged stage and is performed with a sudden increase in tempo.(Nyssa Shannon)

敦盛 あらすじ

 一の谷に着くと、どこからともなく聞こえてくる心地よい笛の音が聞こえる。それはこの辺りの草刈男たちが、一日の労働の慰めにと、家路に着く道すがら吹く笛の音だった。 その風流心に蓮生法師が声を掛けると、男たちは「自分よりも偉い人だからといって羨むことなく、自分より劣る者だからといってさげすむものではない」ということわざを引き、自分たちのような草刈男が笛を吹いても不思議ではない、といって帰っていく。
 その大敗北を喫した一の谷の合戦の前夜、寿永二年如月六日の夜に、敦盛の父である経盛は、一族郎党を集めて"最後の宴"を催した。 その時敦盛もまた、翌日の合戦での死を覚悟し、秘蔵の笛を心ゆくまで奏でたのである。 その笛の音は、敵陣の熊谷直実にも聞こえたという。
 それを見た熊谷直実は、逃がすものかと平家の軍勢を追っかける。船に乗り遅れた敦盛は気を取り直し、波打ち際に馬を返して立ちはだかった。 敦盛は刀を抜いて、ニ太刀、三太刀打ち合うが、平家の豪傑直実の腕力にはかわなず、馬上で組み合ったかと思うと、波打ち際に一緒に落ち、そのまま討ち取られたのだった。自分の最期を回顧し終わり、仇を恩で報いてくれた蓮生法師に重ねて礼を言う敦盛である。敦盛は、「二人はもはや敵同士ではなく、ともに来世を蓮台で迎える身(成仏)である」と言う。


Kumagai Naozane who was a general of Genji clan became a priest and went to the Itinotani valley. He felt guilty for having killed a young Atsumori of Taira clan in battle, so he tried to hold a funeral for Atsumori at the place where he died.
When Naozane arrived at Itinotani, he heard the sound of a comfortable whistle coming from somewhere around him.
It was the sounds of the flute that the mowing men around here are blowing as the comfort of labor during a day on the way home. The priest called to the persons of elegant and they replied using a saying ,"There is no need to envy those above you or despise those below you." They continued, "It's not so strange that the mowing men like us are playing the flute," and then left.
However, a man of them didn't try to leave. The man asked the priest to recite Namiamudabutsu ten times. The priest began sincerely to recite the prayer to the Buddha.
When the priest finished praying, the man said, "I am a relative of Atsumori, You should know my name even if I don't tell my name to you. " and the man disappeared.
That night, the ghost of Atsumori, wearing the armor, appeared either in his dream or perhaps reality there when the priest was praying for Atsumori.
Atsumori said "I could rest in peace by your prayer of day and night," and he started to tell of the end of the Heike.
"The family of us Heike was as prosperous as they could want, yet we were defeated in twenty short years by the Genji."
Tsunemori, father of Atsumori, gathered the family and held a "Last feast" on February 2,Jyuei 2 (AC1185) at the previous night of the battle of Itinotani that ended in large defeat. Atsumori, set himself on dying, played the flute to his heart's content that night. It was said that the sound of his flute could be heard by everyone in the Genji's camp, including Kumagai Naozane . The next day, however, the troops of Heike did not fight in spite of the war started and they scrambled onto the boats, and ran away toward the sea. Atsumori, having missed the boat, returned to the beach and blocked Kumagai who was chasing after troops of Heike. Atsumori and Kumagai both drew their swords and clashed, charging on their horses at each other and crossing swords two or three times.
However, Atsumori was defeated at the physical strength of hero Naozane of Genji. Two samurais on the horse fell down to the beach together. And, Atsumori was killed at once.
The ghost of Atsumori finished the recount of his death, and thanked Kumagai for repraying his moral debt. Finally,the ghost of Atsumori said, "we are no longer enemies. In next world, we will face Buddha on lotuses together in peace."


 囃子にのって漁師の白龍(ワキ)とワキヅレの漁師が登場し、のどかな春の風景を謡いあげます。一行が三保の松原に上がってみると、妙なる音楽と、霊妙な香りに気づき、不思議に思います。白龍は一本の松の木を見上げると、見馴れない美しい 衣がかかっています。近寄ってみますと、その美しさといい、香りといいとても言葉ではあらわすことが出来ません。これはただの衣ではないので、家の宝にしようと思い、これを取って帰ろうとすると、「その衣は私のものです」と言って呼び止める声と共に、美しい女(シテの天女)が現れます(天女の着付けは羽衣を脱いで水浴をしている姿を表現しています)そして「それは天人の羽衣ですから、人間には与えられません」と言うのです。白龍は驚いて「あなたは天人なのですか、ならばなお更のこと、この美しい衣は国の宝といたしましょう。衣はお返し出来ません」と言い切ります。天女は途方にくれて「その衣がないと私は天に帰ることができません」と雲の流れや、雁の渡る様子を眺めて嘆き悲しみます。それを見た白龍はあまりにいたわしく思い「天人の舞をお見せ下されば、この羽衣をお返しします」と条件を出します。天人はたいそう喜んで、「それではまず衣をお返しください」といいます。白龍は衣を返せば舞曲をしないで天に帰ってしまうでしょうと疑います。天人は「疑いは人間にあり,天に偽りはありません」と答えます。白龍は自分の言葉を恥じて、衣を返します。天人は衣を受け取り舞台後ろに下がって衣を纏います。

The stage of today is made from the Hagoromo legend with which the Japanese is familiar for a long time.
 Today's performance is "Hagoromo", one of the best works in Noh. The setting is quite simple, which is a characteristic of Noh. Some artificial properties on the stage express the pine trees along the shore (Miho-no-matsubara ). We would like you to imagine that you see Mt Fuji whose top is covered with snow、from the beautiful sandy beach in a soft, spring breeze .

There, with the music, Hakuryo the fisherman and his fellows come on the stage. They sing about the peaceful spring on the shore.
When Hakuryou and attendants go up to Miho-no-matubara, they find the excellent music and strange smells there and wonder. Hakuryo looks up at a pine and finds the incredibly beautiful piece of clothing hanging from a branch. It has an amazing fragrance and marvelous appearance. So he decides to bring it back and keep as his own treasure.

Suddenly, he hears a beautiful woman (the leading role, her dress expresses the appearance of the water bathing in.) claiming that the cloth is hers. She says that she is a TEN-NYO( heavenly woman) and the cloth is her cape for flying ( Hagoromo in Japanese), so it should not belong to any humans. He is surprised to hear that and even insists he keep it to make it the national treasure. The woman looks lost, telling him that she can not go back to where she came from without it. She expresses her grief with looking up the clouds in the sky and the geese flying home. The man thinks it is too cruel for her to keep her cloth, thus he promises to return it once she dances for him. She gladly says. "Please give it back to me now. " Hakuryou says, "If I give back the cape to you, you will go back to heaven without showing the dance to me." The woman answers, "A man on earth may behave in such a manner, but a heavenly creature never behaves like that. We keep our promises." Being quite ashamed of his own words, Hakuryo decides to give it back to her.

The woman goes behind the stage to put on the cape. During this scene, the drums keep playing a specific rhythm called Ashirai.

Then the woman starts dancing, describing the heaven and eventually goes up into the sky. With the elegance of her dance, she disappears in the mist of the Mt Fuji. In this scene, drums add a vivid rhythm and make the atmosphere more lively.(by ksk)

 In most of Noh performances, the leading character (ghost , God, Buddha, demon, flower nymph, etc )appears with the look of human being at first. However, as the play goes on, she shows her real character. You can tell from the changes in her mask and costume. If it were theatre, there should have been a separation of acts in this play. This HAGOROMO'S performance does not do so. Hagoromo is the one act play in the theater.








Syoujyoh is a monster in the China imagination. It has the body of a beast, but the face of a man. Syoujyoh is a thirsty soul's animal, living in the sea, and can speak with mankind. Noh Syoujyoh praises Kudoku of sake. A Kudoku is a good deed by which a good repaying can be received from gods and Buddha by the Buddhism term.

A man named Kouhoo who was dutiful to parents dreamed the dream of becoming rich if he sold sake in the market on a certain night. When he sold sake in the market as instructed by the dream, he gradually became rich. Mysteriously, however, one particular customer's facial complexion never changed, no matter how much sake he drank. One day, he asks the person the name. Then, the person says, "I am Syoujyoh that lives in the sea" and leaves. Kouhoo puts Sake-jar near Shinyoh River on a certain night when the moon is beautiful, and waits for Syoujyoh to come out. 
Waki explains the scene in the first half by "Talk" and "Utai".
Shite appears riding on Hayashi music named Sagariha. The melody and the rhythm of this music express the appearance of Shite who approaches ashore slowly riding on a gradual wave from offshore. 

Syoujyoh floats among the waves and goes out for meeting to a good friend. Syoujyoh drinks and talks with Kouhoo before long. The moon and the star just then twinkle to the sky.The leaves of the reeds on the shore are blown in the wind, making the sounds of a played reed flute. The surging wave sounds hears like of the hand drum. Syoujyoh is on a roll in the music of the nature and begins to dance.
Syoujyoh says, "Because your heart is so honest, let me pack this jar full of sake." This sake is in return for the sake that has been drunk before in the market shop, and the reward for Kouhoo's dutiful devotion to his parents. Syoujyoh said, "The sake of this jar will be not exhausted no matter how you drink." Syoujyoh's feet become unsteady as he continues to drink and talk pleasantly with Kouhoo. Syoujyoh gets drunk and at last lies down. In the end, this was also a dream of Kouhoo, and when he awakens he finds nothing but a cold autumn wind blowing ashore. However, the sake jar is filled with the magical and mysterious sake as have promised. ( by ksk )



僧は京都の一条大宮あたりまで来ると、由緒ありそうな古い宮殿を見つけます。彼は垣根の隙間から中を覗くと、そこには美しい梅の花が、今を盛りと、咲いています。彼は、梅の香りに誘われるように、その梅の木のところに近づきます。 すると、だれも住んでいるはずのない御所の内から、若い女が現われ「ここは宮廷に近いので、梅の季節には、殿上人が大勢集まり、昔はにぎやかであった」と語ります。

見 所



A monk who lives in Mt. Yoshino (Nara Prefecture) goes out sightseeing in the capital. When he comes up to around Itijyoh Ohmiya, he finds an old palace. It appears to be historic site.
He can see beautiful plum blossoms in full bloom when he peeps from the space of the fence into the inside.
He approaches the plum tree as if he is invited to the smell of the plum tree. Although the palace is probably uninhabited, a young woman appears from inside.
She says "This palace is very popular during plum blossom season. It is close to the court, so many lords come here."
The monk asks her who she is and if she will teach him the history of this palace.
She looks at him for a while and then says "to tell you the truth, I am the spirit of a butterfly but not human being.
I transmogrified to human being and appeared here because, despite my great desire, I was unable to see plum blossoms in winter. Please pray for me to have a peaceful death. I promise to show you my true appearance in your dream."
Before long, the moon comes out and the spirit disappears.
On such night, the beautiful spirit appears when the monk naps.
Through dance, she expresses the joy she felt in being able to visit a long
sought-after blossom.
At daybreak, the fairy flies to the sky and the monk awakes up from a moment dream just at the same scene.

 Central point
In the history of the world play, making the fairy a leading part of theme is original. "Buddha is present in all things" is Buddhist idea. In this Noh play, the fairy is present in human form in order to help the viewers more readily accept this Buddhist philosophy. The mystique that the caterpillar transforms to a magnificent queen in one night hasn't changed over the century. Butterfly's activity period is a short period of autumn from spring, and the butterfly cannot play in the plum tree, which bloom in winter.
The aim of this Noh is to draw on the sad of the fairy, who relies on the power of the Buddha. There is an unlimited yearning and longing of Mae-Shite; rejoicing and ecstasy of Noti-Shite. This contrast, comparison composition is a central point. ( by ksk)

小鍛治 五番目物。場所、京都三条宗近邸及び伏見稲荷明神社。無季





NohKokaji is a story made from skillful craftsman Kokaji Munetika. The myth of Kusanaginoturugi (sword) and Prince Yamatotakeru incorporates into this Noh. This is written in Kojiki (the oldest history book in Japan). The motif is in the miraculous efficacy of Hushimi Inari Sharine and faith in excellent sword.
 Emperor Itijyou saw Reimu (dream with god's reporting) on a certain night. The emperor sends vassal Tatibana Mitinari to Kokaji Munetika of Sanjyoh, and Emperor's sword is ordered.
Munetika had to accept the order because it is a royal command though nobody strikes the sword together.
A child (god's incarnation)shows up when he visited and prays Hushimi Inari Sharine that he has been always believed in.
The child talks about "The emperor had the dream of god's reporting", "The sword is forged with the curious power without fail", and "Sword Kusanagi of Yamatotakeru has the curious power", etc. and disappears. He builds the altar where Shimenawa(holy rope showing god's territory ) was put, and does blacksmith preparing and recites Norito( Shinto prayer ). The fox with red hair, Inari Myoujin's incarnation, appears there. The sword is forged by him and the fox, and the signature of surface is put in Kokaji Munetika and the reverse signature is put in Kogitune(small fox).
The fox returns to the mountains of Inari jumping on to the crowded cloud. (by ksk)

紅葉狩 場所、信濃国戸隠山。季節、秋。


見所 前半、唐織の装束で装った女性達の華やかな雰囲気が、女の舞う「急之舞」の特殊なテンポを境に一気に変わり、激しい戦いに入って行く変化が面白い。
(文責 山田和彦)


In Mt.Togakushi of Shinano (current Nagano Prefecture), a lady being accompanied by the maids is holding the feast which is a party (called Momijigari) to view the scarlet-tinged leaves. Taira no Koremochi who had come to the deer hunting happen to pass. Koremochi doubts the ladies, and makes the attendant ask her name. She doesn't answer the attendant's question. And the attendant reports to the master, "They are women of high position in the palace, and are incognito".
Koremochi gets off of the horse so as not to obstruct women's feasts and changes the course. The woman feels admiration for the man's consideration and detains Koremochi. She invites him to the feast.
The sake is recommended by her and piled up.
Koremochi gradually gets drunk. He drowses at last while he is watching woman's beautiful dance. She shows her true nature of the demon, and casts a spell to him and disappears, saying that "You must not wake up" when she makes sure that Koremochi fell asleep. ( interval )
He had a dream about a god of Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine. The god says, "These women are the ogres of this mountain, so wake up before they will take you away to eat".
When Koremochi waked up, women disappeared. The ogre of about 3meters height stands in the presence, a horn dyed to the vermillion. And the ogre attacks Koremochi with glaring eyes. Koremochi prays for Hatiman Daibosatsu to the mind, pulls out the sword, fights violently, and finally defeats the ogre. The power of the Koremoti was terrific.

view point The colorful atmosphere of women who put on the costume of Karaori in the first half changes on the boundary of a special tempo of Kyuunomai( dance of hitempo) ,where the woman dances at a dash. I take interest in the change to the fightly dance.
Though the autumn tint and demon's assortment looks strange. When you put your body in the autumn tint of the whole hill, the mischief demon seems to come out from the shadow of a certain autumn tint.
How about you? (by ksk)

●土蜘 五番目物・鬼畜物。所(都の源頼光の屋敷、葛城山)。季節不明。

●Tutigumo( Spider in the Soil)

Raikou, a famous samurai, has been sick of late. His maid, Kotyou, returns to him with the medicine by which Tenyakunokami (secretary in the drugstore) prepared it. He grieves "I have no energy left because of my illness. I am only waiting for death." She encourages him "the sickness may be painful, but the medicine will help you recover." One night at midnight, a monk comes to the bedside of sleeping Raikou . The monk transforms to the apparition of Tutigumo, and vomits the strings of spider's web onto the soldier. Raikou awings his sword at the monster in self-defense.
Raikou stabs at Tutigumo who tries to run away many times. Tutigumo can not endure his attacking, and disappears at last. Hitorimusya, hearing the struggle, runs into the room. Raikou explains the situation. He says "I could drive away Tutigumo using this celebrated sword." And he says that the sword will hereafter be named "Kumokiri," meaning "to cut a spider." Hitorimusya offers him the conquest of Tutigumo by tracing the blood that has dropped here and there.
 Hitorimusya and two attendants trace the blood, and at last reach in front of a big tomb.
They begin to destroy the tomb and remove the stone. The flame and spouted water from among the tomb attacks the warriors. The ogre, the apparition of a spider, appears between the rocks. The ogre attacks the warriors and says "I approached this world to do harm Raikou, but I am facing the crisis of the life on the contrary." The fighting continues,during which the ogre is beheaded. The warriors return to the capital, with great glee.

The central point in this Noh is "Maibataraki", a violent fight-like dance between the warriors and the ogre.







This story is called Shuramono and is the second program. Shuramono is one of the hell into which the samurai falls after death, and is the world of suffering to which killing one another continues there through all eternity. The place is Ninna-ji Palace in autumn.

Heike family's Tairanotsunemasa is an expert of the Japanese lute and is a young nobleman. He was loved by a prince Syukakuhossin, and given a Japanese lute "Seizan". He deposited Seizan to Ninna-ji temple, and went to the western front with the family because he did not want to lose the rare utensil "Seizan" by the fight. However, he was killed in the battle at Itinotani on the way.
Kangenkou ( a funeral with the stringed instrument) for the soul of Tsunemasa is held in Ninna-ji temple by direction of the prince Syukakuhossin.
Kangenkou continued to midnight,and Tsunemasa of the appearance of a young samurai appears while the shadow is faint. He talks that he returned to the human world for the obsession. Only his voice hears into the faint shadow. He brings up and picks the lute "Seizan" and speaks that he spent satisfied and joyful in this world. He answers that he is Tunemasa when Gyoukei of the Waki post calls him. He keeps playing the lute while imagining,recollecting various scenes, and spends the time of bliss. Suddenly the anger and regret about having been killed by the fight welled up in him. He dances Cakeri before long. Soon he is caught up into an unmeasured fight against Asyura and Taisyakuten's army and fights violently in the hell named Syuradou. He finds himself changed into an ugly appearance and is ashamed of it. And soon he is diverted to the dark and disappears when daybreak will begin to become near before long.




 Noh Kazuragi is made from the myth as follows. A godness of Mt Kazuragi was bound to the rock by the rope of Hudohmyohou with Tsutacazura (very heavy ivy) because she disobeyed the order to build the bridge between the mountains.

An ascetic in Mt Haguro comes to snowy Mt Kazuragi. He is taking a rest,suffering the heavy snow, under the tree. A local woman, shouldering the firewoods,appears to there. She takes along him to house in the valley because it become cold night.
She burns Shimoto(the firewood)for warmth. She explains the origin of the name Shimoto. She asks the ascetic to save her from suffering of three-heat in Buddhism when the night grows old, and the ascetic starts praying. She says "I am a god in Mt Kazuragi and now am suffering of three heat that was given by Hudohmyohou,and I was left in the cave".
And "My body have been bound to the rock because I disobeyed Ennojyoujya's instruction"she said.
She asks for him to save her from the suffering. She appears when he is praying till midnight.
Her appearance is just like as noble greatest god Amaterasuookami who came out from Amano-Iwato(the door made of large rock) of Takamagahara(heaven). But it was a miserable appearance that the body had been roped with Tstacazra. She identifies with Amaterasuookami and she sing a god song dancing Yamatomai.
The godness of Kaduragi is ashamed of her ugly face that becomes clearly in the snow scene under the moonlight and she returns to the cave again before the morning doesn't dawn.


これは建久4年(AC1193)の5月半ばの話です。鎌倉幕府の源頼朝公は、富士 の裾野での大規模な狩りを計画し、諸国の武将達に狩のお供をするように命じます。曽我十郎祐成と弟五郎時致の兄弟はその狩りに参加し、このまたとない機会を利用して父の敵である工藤祐経 を討つ計画をたてます。すでに死を覚悟した曾我兄弟は、最後の別れをするため、曾我の里に住む母をたずねます。母は兄の祐成に会って大変喜びますが、勘当した弟のは会おうとはしません。兄の祐成は時致の勘当を許してくれと母に懇願します.



The story of the Noh play Kosodesoga takes place in May of the fourth year of Kenkyu (1193). Minamoto Yoritomo, then the leader of the Kamakura Shogunate, planned a large-scale hunting trip in the skirts of Mt. Fuji, ordering generals across the nation to participate. Soga Juroh Sukenari and Soga Goroh Tokimune, two brothers, took part in the hunt, with the ulterior motive of attacking and killing Kudou Suketune, their father's enemy. The brothers, set upon death of their enemy or their own death, visited their mother in Soga to bid her a final farewell. She was gladdened by Sukenari's visit, but refused to see Tokimune, who had been disinherited by the family. His older brother appealed on his behalf for his mother to see him.
However, the mother became increasingly infuriated and decided to disinherit Sukenari as well. Long before, Kudou Suketune killed their father on a hunting expedition, so the hunting trip was an opportunity for revenge to the two brothers, but the mother seemed not to understand the meaning of the trip. The brothers, heads hanging low, headed towards the hunt. Shortly after their departure, the mother realized the meaning of the hunt and in a panicked voice called after her sons. Finally the sons had gotten through to their mother. Together they celebrated the brothers' departure with cups of sake.
The brothers danced with joy, knowing they would soon leave this world. In the end, the brothers killed their enemy and their story was sung in voices that were heard beyond the heights of Mt. Fuji.

The view point are the scean of the permission of disinherit and the duet dance.

 僧が法華経の譬喩品を読んでいると、先ほどの女が美しい上臈の姿で現れ、かつて藤原道長がこの御所の前を牛車で通りながらその譬喩品を読経した時、自分は「門の外 法の車の音を聞けば 我も火宅を出でにけるかな」と詠んだが、その功徳によって死後火宅の苦しみを受けずに、歌舞の菩薩となったのだと語る。式部は「和歌の徳」を述べ、東北院が霊地であることを讃え、静かで美しい舞(序之舞)を舞い、やがて僧に暇を請い、方丈に姿を消す(文責 山田和彦)


Noh Touboku is made from the legend of Izumi Sikibu, a female poet at the Heian era . The place is Touboku-In in spring (In means aristocrat's villa and palace).
A Butthist monk who has came to the capital Kyoto from the eastern country, and he is gazing to the plum tree( named Izumi Sikibu) that blooms beautifully. A beautiful woman shows up out of thin air and tells him. She says that this tree was named Nokibanoume (The plum tree planted in the vicinity of the eaves is meant) though this is called Izumishikibu (a love poet with famous Heian age) or Ousyukubai (The plum tree to which the bush warbler stops is meant). Izumishikibu planted this when here was Jyotohmon emperor's palace in old times. In addition, the woman talks about the bedroom where Izumisikibu slept in the interior.
The plum tree smells beautiful as still yearned for an ancient hostess. And she says, "I am not a person of this world but am a hostess of this plum tree, and my name is Izumisikibu" and vanishes secretly to the shade of the flower. The woman ahead shows up by the appearance of a beautiful lady.
She talks. "The worry about my love were cleared when I heard the sound of passing oxcart and Mitinaga's sutra recitation of Hokke from the outside of the gate"

Now I have never recieve the suffering of the evil passion after I died. It is the reason why I had read the Japanese poem piously. Therefore, I was able to become Bosatu ( Buddha under song and dance life). She continues her talk about the effect of the Japanese poem making. She praises that Toubokuin is a sacred place of the Japanese poem. And, she dances Jonomae, and disappears to a small room before long quietly and beautifully.(by ksk)


見所は、前段の糸を繰りながら秋の情趣をしみじみと謡い人生のつれなさを嘆く「静」の場面と、後段の祐慶と鬼女の対決、恨みを晴らせないまま次第に調伏されていく鬼女の悔しさを表現する「動」の場面にある。(文責 山田和彦)


Noh Krozuka is a work made from Adatigahara hag legend. The place is Adatigahara in autumn ( current Fukushima Prefecture). A Buddhist monk of Nati ( current Wakayama Prefecture), Ajyari Yuukei and his followers go out to the travel for the purpose of the training and praying buddhist temples.
The day grew dark, when they arrived at Adatigahara(wasteland) on the way of the travel. They try to take the hotel but there is not a house either. They find a light far away, and go to borrow the lodging for one night. There is a mistress in the rude house and she refuses their offer ,saying that "It is not possible to lodge because here is too unsightly " When Yuukei appeals her for the lodging many times, at last she approves the lodging. She prepares the bed with Kayamusiro (a kind of the carpet that is knited from the grass ). He finds a strange tool to the corner of the room, and he asks her , "Is this a tool used for what?" She answers. "It is called Wakukasewa. It is a tool for a person as poor as me to spin hemp" She begins to turn the string in the room that the moonlight opens. She mutters while turning the string, and throws tears. "While the spining wheel is turned, the string never stop turning. Human being cannot apart from the worldly dull and gloomy as like as the string" She chants the song that makes the poetic sentiment of autumn, and grieves for a thin,long life like the string. She stops the spining finally.
Because it becomes cold night , she says that I will take the firewood from the hillback. "Don't peep into a next room in my absence" However, he breaks the prohibition, and peeps into a room after the woman goes out.
A lot of corpses were piled up there, and the stream of the blood were vast all over the floor. He learned that the demon lives in this rude house. They are terrified and they run away. She becomes demon's appearance because the secret was exposed by him. You violated the promise although I told that you must not to peep into her room. "It is impossible that my grudge is not dispelled. I will eat you at a stretch". She attacks them fiercely. When he recites desperately the Buddhist scriptures, the magic of the ogress has gradually becomes weak. The ogress left a terrific voice and will disappear before long.
The viewpoint of the former steps is a scene of "Quietness"; the woman grieves for an empty,bitter life while turning over the string. The viewpoint of latter part is a scene of confrontation "Movement"between Yuukei and the ogress. The scene expresses mortifying gradually cursed without working off a grudge of the ogress.(by ksk)



The story of Seioubo
The source of this Noh story is of an ancient Chinese myth. It is said that if a sovereign performs good politics, heavenly Seioubo (the queen of western heaven) will give as a prize a peach which will fruit only once in 3000 years, to the king (sovereign).
Before the beginning of Noh play, an artificial product (stage setting called the Ohyatai) is carried on to the stage and the king (main supporting role in a Noh play) and a minister appear on the stage. They explain a sight as follows with the chorus singers.
"The country is prosperous in peace by the politics brought from the new wise king we have never had before. We are very glad. The feudal lords' army and the poor peoples have gathered to the surroundings of the king's palace that shines dazzlingly.
As for the town, the day and night time are prosperous and crowded."

By looking at the stage setting of a simple structure, a spectator has to imagine a gorgeous big royal palace and the king who is surrounded by followers. A young woman (protagonist of the first half) appears with the branch of a peach tree on her shoulder .
"This branch is the peach on only one of the two branches a flower blooms . Moreover, the tree bears a fruit only once in 3000years. A flower which bloomes on this branch indecates your good politics" She says that she want to offer this branch to him. He asks her. "Is this the peach of Seioubo's garden?" She does not reply to it. She reveals a status "Really, I am a heavenly human being, and I am the other self of Seioubo " She also says that Heaven is an ageless paradise. as the peach will soon fruit,
she promises to return again in order to give it to him. Then, she disappears. He considers this affair as a sign from which a very auspicious thing arises. He assembles the musician of the Imperial Court, sounds a musical instrument, and waits for the appearance of Seioubo. Soon, the light shines on the yard of the royal palace. Then, beautiful Seioubo who attaches the crown appears. She wears the clothes of red Nishiki , and carries a sword lowered to the waist. From a female maid, she receives the peach and offers it to him. This means that his perpetual youth and longevity are now promised . In the feast she dances gracefully with fluttering the sleeve of her kimono. She soars and returns to western heavens calmly with some birds



Story of Tamakazura

A priest who is going on a pilgrimage to the shrine and temple in Nara arrives
at the riverbank of Hatuse in order to worship Kannon Hase. He notices a young
woman who rows and goes down a boat along a rock.
The woman answers to the question of the priest "I am going to worship at Hase temple like you go"
And she shows him to the place of two Japan cedars currently read by an old poem.
Then, she says as follows. When Tamakazura of Genjimonogatari(Genji-tales) came to Hatsuse, she encountered the lady's maid Ukon who had served Mother Yuugao.
She hints that she is a ghost of Tamakazura, and disappears. While reciting sutras by the priest of regarding her as sad, a ghost of Tamakazura appears.
For a while, although a woman is in agony and is troubled with delusion of love, by sutra recitation of the priest, she dispels delusion and disappears.
When the priest awakes out of a dream, it is beginning to become bright unawares.
He notices that the encounter with the woman was a dreamy occurrence.
Since the portion of the second half is performed, this Noh is said half Noh.
The leading role's Tamakazura dances dancing called kakeri showing deviation.




Fujiwara Okinori who is the Shinto priest of Miyazaki country goes to worship of the Isejinnguu shrine. He arrives at the seashore of Suma. Since the one old man is looking at the cherry tree, he asks the old man whether this flower is a storied tree. Then, the old man answers that this is just the cherry tree of famous Wakaki. The old man tells the whole life of Hikarugenji as he is asked by the Shinto priest. Since this neighborhood is the place which was the home of Hikarugenji, Hikarugenji will go down from heavens and will appear on the sea with the light of the moon。 The old man announces that really he is Hikarugenji of the Tale of Genji, and hides in clouds this evening.

Okinori wants to worship the wonderful phenomenone. He takes a nap and is waiting for it on the seashore of a moonlight night. Then, it is indistinguishable from the sound of a wave, music can be heard, and the soul of Hikarugenji gets down from heavens to the seashore where moonlight shines. He dances dancing of Seikaiha beautifully, and returns to heavens with dawn.





It is in the middle of March.
A priest from an eastern country arrives in capital Kyoto. He goes to Kiyomizutera temple, where cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
A boy (as a matter of fact,the spirit of Tamuramaru ) with a broom in his hands sweeps the dust away under the shade of a cherry tree.
The priest feels strange and asks the boy if he is a watchman of flowers?
The boy says that he is not the watchman but a servant of God here (Jisyugongen).
The priest asks the boy to teach him the history of this temple.
The history of the temple is as follow
A priest named Kensin from Yamato county had wanted to worship living kanzeon (one of the Buddha,the Goddess of Mercy).
One day, Kensin saw strange light in the sky and went to that direction.
There was one old man and he said to Kensin that a big temple should be built here.
So, Kensin asked Sakanouetamuramaru(a famous general and a man of power) for it and he built a temple here on Daidou 2 (807 A.D.).
It got dark, and the beautiful moon rose upon the peak of Mt Otowayama, and the flowers were lighted, and beautiful landscape of the surroundings came to the surface.
He tells the priest about each beautifull spot by pointing, and then he goes inside of Tamura temple.(intermisison)
When the priest is praying throughout a night ,Sakanouenotamuramaru appears with the Samurai's costume.
Tamuramaru shows the appearance by dancing that he fought against the bandit in Mt Suzuka.
He says" When I prayed to the Buddha(Goddess of Mercy )of this temple for my victory, the Buddha gave a smile to me, and I was encouraged.Therefore, I believe that I could subjugate them by Buddha's power"


都からきた僧が北国をめぐり 、信濃の国善光寺に参詣する途上、越中の国多枯の浦を通りかかる。僧は折りしも今を盛りと咲きにほう藤の花を愛で,古歌「常磐なる松の名たてにあやなくもかかれる藤の咲きて散るやと」と口ずさむ。そこにどこからともなく美しい女が現れ、この地は藤の名所だが、どうして古歌「多枯の浦や汀の藤の咲きしより波の花さえ色に出でつつ」を詠じないのかとうらめし顔に言葉をかける。僧は女と歌についての問答をし、女の素性を尋ねると、女は藤の花の精であると答え、姿を消す。(中入り)


Fuji (wisteria)
A priest of the capital city tours around the beautiful spot of the northern country, and he goes to Zenkouji in Shinano country (current Nagano Prefecture).
In the middle of the trip, he happens to pass by Tagonoura of Ecchu country(current Toyama Prefecture)
The flowers of the wisteria are blooming there.
The priest recollects the old Waka which expressed about the transience of those flowers, and he hums it.
'Why don't you recite the Waka which praised Tagonoura, the beauty spot of the wisteria flower?"
The priest was impressed by her profound knowledge of Waka, and he asks who she is. She says that she is a floral fairy of wisteria, and she disappears. (Intermission).
While the priest is taking a nap, the floral fairy with her new costume appears again.
She tells the priest.
" I can speak with you in spite of the floral fairy. That is because I can change my figure freely by Buddha's power"
Thus, she expresses her joy by showing the beautiful dance and disappears into the mist at daybreak.


九州松浦潟の僧が都見物を思いたち、上洛の途上、郷里の宇佐八幡宮と同じ神を祭ってある津の国山崎にある岩清水八幡宮(男山八幡宮)に参詣します。折しも秋であり、男山の麓には女都花が美しく咲き乱れています。和歌に名高いそのおみなえしを故郷への土産物にしようと、一本折ろうとします。その時一人の老人が現れ、折ることを制します。 僧は和歌に歌われている女郎花について老人と論じます。やがて、僧は花を採ることを諦めてその場を去ろうとします。すると、老人は僧を呼び止め、僧がいろいろな古歌を知っている事を褒め、八幡宮の社前に案内します。そして、麓の男塚・女塚にも連れて行き、この塚が小野頼風夫婦の墓であると教え今は弔う人もないと嘆き、自分は頼風の幽霊であることを告げ、回向頼み姿を消します。            (中入り) 


Story of Ominamesi

One day a monk living near Matsura inlet in Kyushu (southern part of Japan) had decided to go to see the capital, Kyoto. On his way to Kyoto he found a shrine  which was dedicated to the same god as the one in his home town. The shrine was called Iwashimizu-Hachimangu (Otokoyama Hachimangu) and it was on Otokoyama mountain. He went to visit there. Since it was autumn, there were many beautiful flowers; Ominaeshi were blooming all over the place. (It is a plant with small yellow flowers and its scientific name is Patrinia scabiosaefolia.)

This flower is often read in Waka, the Japanese ode. Thus he tried to pick some of then to bring back home. However, suddenly an old man appeared and told him not to pick them. He discussed with the old man what he had read about the in the Waka. The monk gave it up and was leaving there, but the man stopped him. The man appreciated the fact that the monk was well versed in Waka enough to notice the grace of Ominaeshi and guided him to the shrine. He also brought the monk to the foot of the mountain, where there were Otokoduka and Onnaduka, which were the graves of Ono Yorikaze and his wife. The old man told that he was the ghost of Yorikaze himself and he grieved about the fact that no one would come to pray for them anymore. He asked the monk to pray for them and had disappeared. (Intermission)The monk talked to the locals and heard about Ono Yorikaze and his wife. He prayed in front of their graves. Then the ghosts of them appeared. The wife started telling him that she had committed suicide by throwing herself into the river since Yorikaze stopped coming to visit her. ( in this period of time, the form of marriage was as such that a man would go to visit his wife's house at night and it was dishonor for a woman if the man stopped coming to her. ) Then Yorikaze said that when he heard that his wife threw herself into the river, he hurried to the place but it was too late. She was buried in Onnaduka and eventually Ominaeshi began blooming around there. Yorikaze grieved for her and finally committed suicide as well. Where he was buried was Otokoduka.( Yorikaze performs a dance showing the torment in the hell since they died because of the grudge from love.) They asked the monk for help to save them from suffering and then disappeared.



Story of Kogo.

Taira no Kiyomori, the head of the Heike warriers, made his daughter, Tokuko married the emperor in order to become his father-in-law . Kiyomori became a principal minister and intervened in politics with his a great power. Then there was a woman called Kogo who was loved by the emperor. She was afraid of Kiyomori and left the palace to hide. The emperor heard Kogo was somewhere in Sagano. (the suburb of Kyoto) Therefore, he ordered Nakakuni to deliver a letter to her. Nakakuni only knew that she was living in a house with a specific kind of door, called Kataorito. However, it was full moon that night, so he guessed she would be playing her Koto, the Japanese zither. He went all over Sagano area and when he came near the temple called Hohrinji, he heard the sound of Koto. He listened to it carefully and realized that the song "Souhuren" was the one she had played with him in the palace before. What was more, there was the door as he heard. Thus he asked for her to come. She refused once but when she read the letter from the emperor, she was moved. He persuaded her finally. She told him that she would wait for the servants from the palace to come to pick her up. (Nakakuni performs the dance at the dinner and goes back to the palace.) Hope you will enjoy this romantic music and the well-known phrases "Mine no arasi ka matsukaze ka tazunuru hito no Koto no ne ka" sung by Nakakuni.


駿河の国・三保の松原(現・静岡県清水市)に白龍(はくりょう)という漁夫がいま した。或る春の一日、棹を肩にかけ、釣に出てみると、浜辺の松に見馴れない美しい 衣がかかっています。近寄ってみますと、その美しさといい、香りといいとても言葉 ではあらわすことが出来ません。これはただの衣ではないので、家の宝にしようと思 い、これを取って帰ろうとすると「その衣はこちらのものです」と言って呼び止める 声と共に、美しい女が現れます。そして「それは天人の羽衣ですから、人間には与え られません」と言います。白龍は羽衣と聞くと大いに喜んで「国の宝ともなりますか ら、衣は返されません」と言いますと「天女は羽衣がないと天上に帰ることができません」と雲の流れや、雁の渡る様子を眺めて嘆き悲しむのでした。それを見た白龍はあまりにいたわしく思い「天人の舞をお見せすれば、この羽衣 をお返しします」と頼みますと、天人は喜んで羽衣を身にまとい、天上界のありさま を述べ、舞をまい、君が代の限りなく栄えることを寿ぎながら、次第に空高く舞い上 がって、遂に富士山の彼方の霞にまぎれて消え失せてしまいました。

                     参考資料  宝生流謡本 羽衣

Story of Firewood Noh "Hagoromo"

There was a fisherman whose name was Hakuryo in Miho of Suruga (current Shimizu in Shizuoka Prefecture). One spring day, he went out for fishing and found an unusually beautiful piece of cloth hanging from a branch of one pine tree on the beach. When he came to see closer, it was beyond description in terms of both its beauty and fragrance. He saw that it was not an ordinary garment and decided to bring it home.
Then a beautiful maiden stopped him, saying that it was her belonging. According to her, it was a piece of celestial raiment, which should not begiven to a human being. Hakuryo, rejoiced to hear that, stated that such aprecious item must be taken as a national treasure, and refused to give it back to her. The maiden deplored, as a heavenly maiden without the raiment would have no way to return to the heavens. She pressed her sadness referring to the flow of clouds in the sky and wild geese flying.
Hakuryo felt so sorry to see her in deep lament, and told her that if she
showed him a heavenly dance, he would return the cloth to her.
Delighted, the maiden wore the raiment and started to dance.

Flying higher and higher, she gave an account of the heavens, wished the
never-ending prosperity of the world, and disappeared in the mist over Mt.Fuji.



囃子にのって漁師の白龍(ワキ)とワキヅレの漁師が登場し、のどかな春の風景を謡いあげます。ふとみると、浜辺の松に見馴れない美しい 衣がかかっています。近寄ってみますと、その美しさといい、香りといいとても言葉 ではあらわすことが出来ません。これはただの衣ではないので、家の宝にしようと思 い、これを取って帰ろうとすると、「その衣は私のものです」と言って呼び止める声と共に、美しい女(主人公-シテの天女)が現れます。そして「それは天人の羽衣ですから、人間には与えられません」と言うのです。白龍は驚いて「あなたは天人なのですか、ならばなお更のこと、この美しい衣は国の宝といたしましょう。衣はお返し出来ません」と言い切ります。天女は途方にくれて「その衣がないと私は天に帰ることができません」と雲の流れや、雁の渡る様子を眺めて嘆き悲しみます。それを見た白龍はあまりにいたわしく思い「天人の舞をお見せ下されば、この羽衣 をお返しします」と条件を出します。天人はたいそう喜んで、「それではまず衣をお返しください」といいます。白龍は衣を返せば舞曲をしないで天に帰ってしまうでしょうと疑います。天人は「疑いは人間にあり,天に偽りはありません」と答えます。白龍は自分の言葉を恥じて、衣を返します。天人は衣を受け取り舞台後ろに下がって衣を纏います。


羽衣を纏った天人は「乙女は衣を着しつつ」と謡いだし、天上界(月宮殿)のありさまを謡い、東遊びの駿河湾を舞い、厳粛に格調高く序の舞を舞い上げ、三保の松原・愛鷹山・富士の高嶺のかなたへ、次第に空高く舞い上 がって、遂に霞にまぎれて消え失せてしまうのであります。この舞は太鼓も加わり一段とにぎやかな囃子となっています。 

 From the explanation before the performance:

Today's performance is "Hagoromo", one of the best works in Noh.The setting is quite simple, which is a characteristic of Noh. Some artificial properties on the stage express the pine trees along the shore (Miho-no-matsubara ) . We would like you to imagine that you see Mt Fuji whose top is covered with snow ,from the beautiful sandy beach in a soft, spring breeze . There, with the music, Hakuryo the fisherman and his fellows come on the stage. They sing about the peaceful spring on the shore. When Hakuryo looks up at a pine tree, he finds the incredibly beautiful piece of clothing hanging from a branch. It has an amazing fragrance and marvelous appearance. So he decides to bring it back and keep as his own treasure. Suddenly, he hears a beautiful woman (the leading role) claiming that the cloth is hers. She says that she is a TEN-NYO(heavenly woman) and the cloth is her cape for flying (Hagoromo in Japanese), so it should not belong to any humans. He is surprised to hear that and even insists he keep it to make it the national treasure. The woman looks lost, telling him that she can not go back to where she came from without it. She expresses her grief with looking up the clouds in the sky and the geese flying home. The man thinks it is too cruel for her to keek her cloth, thus he promises to return it once she dances for him. She gladly says. "please give it back to me now. " Hakuryou says,"If I give back the cape to you,you will go back to heaven without showing the dance to me."The woman answers, "A man on earth may behave in such a manner, but a heavenly creature never behaves like that .We keep our promises."Being quite ashamed of his own words, Hakuryo decides to give it back to her.

The woman goes behind the stage to put on the cape. During this scene, the drums keep playing a specific rhythm called Ashirai. Then the woman starts dancing, describing the heaven and eventually goes up into the sky. With the elegance of her dance, she disappears in the mist of the Mt Fuji. In this scene, drums add a vivid rhythm and make the atmosphere more lively.


奈良の都に横佩(よこはぎ)の右大臣(うだいじん)豊成(とよなり)という人がいました。.ある人の讒言(ざんげん=他人をおとしいれるため、ありもしない事を目上の人に告げ、その人を悪く言うこと)を信じて、娘の中将姫を雲雀山で殺すように家臣に命じました。家臣は姫のお供をして雲雀山まで来ましたが、姫をあまりにもいたわしく思い、山中に庵を結んで隠しておきました。乳母の侍従は春秋の草花を採って里へ出て売り、姫を養っていました。<中入> そのうち豊成は自分の非を悟って大変後悔し、乳母の侍従によって姫が山中に養われていることを聞き、猟に出る如くよそおって山中に入り、姫の庵をさがしていました。すると花売りをしている侍従に会い、自分の誤っていたことを告げて姫のいる所を尋ねましたが、侍従は「姫は既に亡くなりました」といい本当のことを明かさないでいました。豊成は涙を流し、心底から後悔しているようなので、侍従も遂に豊成を姫の庵に案内します。三人は再会を大いに喜び、都へ帰って行きます。                     


Story of Hibariyama

There was a man whose name was Yokohagi no Udaijin Toyonari. One day he heard a slander about her daughter, Princess Chujo. He believed it and told one of his vassals to take her to the Hibariyama and killed her there. The vassal accompanied the Princess to Hibariyama but he felt so sorry about her and had her live in a small hermitage in the mountain. Her nanny and the servants gathered some flowers and wild plants to sell them in town to bring her up.<intermission>Sooner or later, Toyonari found that he was wrong and regretted what he had done so badly. Then he heard that the Princess was living in a mountain from a servant of the nanny and went into the mountain pretending to hunt to find the hermitage where she was living. In the mountain, Toyonari met her servant who was selling flowers and told the servant that he was totally wrong and asked him where she was. The servant told a lie to Toyonari that the Princess passed away. Then Toyonari burst into tears and the servant thought that he seemed to repent so fiercely so he decided to show Toyonari the way to the hermitage. Three of them were delighted to meet again and went back to town all together.


醍醐天皇に仕えている臣下が、近江国(現・滋賀県)竹生島の弁財天(古くインドから伝わり、後に財宝を与える女神として信仰されました)に参詣しようと琵琶湖のほとりまで来て休んでいますと、老人が若い女を乗せて釣り船を漕ぎ寄せて来ましたので、それに便乗させてもらって湖上の人となりました。春の日はうららかで、波は静かです。山には霞がたなびき、岸辺岸辺には美しい花が咲き乱れ,のどかな気色ですほどなく釣り舟は竹生島へ着きました。老人は「ご案内をしましょう」と言って臣下を弁財天に案内し「竹生島に女人禁制のいわれはない」とこまごまと神社の由来を語ります。やがて、女は「実は我は人間ではない」と言って社殿の扉の中へ入ってしまい、老人は「この湖の主である」と言って湖の中に姿を消してしまいました。<中入> 臣下が神前で礼拝していると、社殿が鳴動をはじめ、弁財天があらわれ、音楽に合わせ舞を舞ます。つづいて湖面がにわかに波高くなり、竜神が水中から現れ、金銀珠玉を臣下に与え、激しい舞を見せます。そして弁財天と竜神とは、仏の二つの形であるといい、、国土の乱れを静め、外的・災難から守り、更に多くの人々を救うことを約束し、弁財天は再び社殿に入り、竜神は湖水の龍宮へ帰り去りました。               (参考資料=宝生流謡本「竹生島」)

Story of Chikubushima

A liegeman to Emperor Daigo was going to pay a visit to Benzaiten (to be believed as Goddess for giving treasure to people from ancient India) in Chikubushima in Oumi (current Shiga Prefecture). When he was taking a rest at the shore of Biwa Lake, an old man came together with a young lady on a boat. The liegeman got into the boat.The day of spring was beautiful and the water was very calm. The mountains were hazy and there were pretty flowers along the shore. It was such a peaceful view.Soon the boat arrived at Chikubushima. The old man offered to be a guide for the liegeman and showed him the way to Benzaiten Shrine explaining the origin of the shrine. Then the young lady said, "I am not a human actually," and went into the shrine. The old man said as well, "I am the guardian of the lake." And disappeared into the water.When the liegeman was worshipping at the alter in the shrine, it started rumbling and the Benzaiten Goddess emerged out of the shrine and began to dance with music. The surface of the lake started billowing, the Dragon King also emerged from the water and gave some gems to the liegeman and danced furiously. Then the liegeman was told by them that the Benzaiten Goddess and the Dragon King stand for two shapes of Buddha, and they promised to stabilize the nation, to protect people from enemies or disasters save people as many as possible. The Benzaiten and the Dragon King disappeared again after saying the above.



Story of Momijigari
When the autumn was well advanced, and the leaves of trees were turning red, some women were having a party to view the scarlet-tinged leaves one evening. Taira no Koremochi, who went out deer hunting, was invited to the party and had several cups of drink. While he was watching the beautiful dancing of the women, he fell into a comfortable sleep. He had a dream about a god of Iwashimizu Hachiman Shrine. The god said, "These women are ogres of this mountain, so wake up before they take you away to eat". Surprised, Koremochi started to leave the place, but suddenly a lightning storm happened and the ogres pounced on him. However, Koremochi drew his sword and killed the ogres.



Story of Makurajidou
A long time ago, a retainer who was working under the Chinese Emperor, went into Tekkenzan Mountain to examine the source of the medicine that was coming out of a spring at the foot of the mountain. Meanwhile, a strange man came up to the retainer. He asked the man, "Who are you?" The man relied, "I am the one who served Bokuou of the ancient Chinese Dynasty. The retainer viewed the man with suspicion at first, but then the man said, "I have a pillow with a poem to praise the virtue of Buddha which was granted by Bokuou". The retainer abandoned his suspicions, and was impressed with the pillow and the virtue. The man preached, "It is indebted to the virtue of Buddha to live for 700 years. The dew of the chrysanthemums in this mountain drops and flows to a village where it turns to medicine. Those who drink the medicine will have everlasting life".



Story of Kiyotsune
The family of Taira (Heike) ran away to the west Sea of Japan, and was eventually defeated by the "Genji" family. With hardly any chance for Heike to win, Taira no Kiyotsune threw himself into the sea in 1183. Awatsu no Saburo, a servant of Kiyotsune, brought a memento to his wife to give to her, and she mourned his death. When she fell into a daze after crying so hard, the ghost of Kiyotsune came to her in her dream. She complained to him to leave her alone. Kiyotsune told her how much he had suffered from the bloodbath of battle, but he was now saved by the teachings of Buddha and could set his mind ease. Then he disappeared into the dream.