
●秋の演能  10月11日(祝日)午前10時より 

  舞囃子 「東北」 
 シテ 浜崎幸子 大鼓 平山昇   小鼓 山田風月    岩淵健一  

 相良  実  鈴木 圭介  星 英男   渡部藤之丞   稲村忠兵エ 松川善之助  佐藤昌一   佐藤信英

  半能 「玉葛」tam akaz ura

シテ 野崎邦子  ワキ 上野正義  

         大鼓 山田風月  小鼓 折笠成美   五十嵐弘子

            地謡  金川照子 古田豊子 渡部妙子  石田セツ子 山田ミヤ子

                  五十嵐常子 瓜生光子 佐藤ヨシカ 玉川おくに 志波幸世

            後見  丑米義弘 丸山一郎



Story of Tamakazura

A priest who is going on a pilgrimage to the shrine and temple in Nara arrives
at the riverbank of Hatuse in order to worship Kannon Hase. He notices a young
woman who rows and goes down a boat along a rock.
The woman answers to the question of the priest "I am going to worship at Hase temple like you go"
And she shows him to the place of two Japan cedars currently read by an old poem.
Then, she says as follows. When Tamakazura of Genjimonogatari(Genji-tales) came to Hatsuse, she encountered the lady's maid Ukon who had served Mother Yuugao.
She hints that she is a ghost of Tamakazura, and disappears. While reciting sutras by the priest of regarding her as sad, a ghost of Tamakazura appears.
For a while, although a woman is in agony and is troubled with delusion of love, by sutra recitation of the priest, she dispels delusion and disappears.
When the priest awakes out of a dream, it is beginning to become bright unawares.
He notices that the encounter with the woman was a dreamy occurrence.
Since the portion of the second half is performed, this Noh is said half Noh.
The leading role's Tamakazura dances dancing called kakeri showing deviation.
Thus, she expresses her joy by showing the beautiful dance and disappears into the mist at daybreak.

 舞囃子 「唐船

シテ 松枝千代子     大鼓 角田久美子 小鼓 折笠成美 太鼓 佐藤 馨   堀 篤子 

           地謡 小林 忠 長沼常哲 湯田真佐弘  河合真弘   庄條静雄

 能 「須磨源氏」

    写真上右はワキとワキツレ              後シテの登場場面の申し合わせ(予行演習) 


 前シテ 伊東正  後シテ 坂内庄一  ワキ 一条正夫  ワキヅレ 皆川米作

         大鼓 舟木真一  小鼓 阿部晃司  太鼓 佐藤 馨    山田和彦 

            地謡 角田喜久雄   有我嘉雄   佐野健一 

                 平山  昇    中村寿男   針生 博  平林光雄 

          後見  松川善之助  岸栄一郎  小野木 保
  装束方 丸山美伊子 佐藤ヨネ 小野木和子 岸栄一郎 森田ルリ子ほか




Fujiwara Okinori who is the Shinto priest of Miyazaki country goes to worship of the Isejinnguu shrine. He arrives at the seashore of Suma. Since the one old man is looking at the cherry tree, he asks the old man whether this flower is a storied tree. Then, the old man answers that this is just the cherry tree of famous Wakaki. The old man tells the whole life of Hikarugenji as he is asked by the Shinto priest. Since this neighborhood is the place which was the home of Hikarugenji, Hikarugenji will go down from heavens and will appear on the sea with the light of the moon。 The old man announces that really he is Hikarugenji of the Tale of Genji, and hides in clouds this evening.

Okinori wants to worship the wonderful phenomenone. He takes a nap and is waiting for it on the seashore of a moonlight night. Then, it is indistinguishable from the sound of a wave, music can be heard, and the soul of Hikarugenji gets down from heavens to the seashore where moonlight shines. He dances dancing of Seikaiha beautifully, and returns to heavens with dawn.

   素謡 7 番 ( )内はグループ名

   志賀(宝円会)  鵺(能楽会B)  紅葉狩(みやび会) 忠度(能楽会A)

下記写真 楊貴妃(観世)木賊(喜宝会、輝雲会) 藤戸(龍宝会)下記写真 鵺(能楽会B)

  仕舞 6 番

   下記写真は山姥, 井筒、  他に鳥追、 駒之段、 三井寺、 菊慈童

会津祭り協賛行事   終了しました。

                         日時 平成16年9月23日 17時30分開演         


     松 風 
  渡部マサ子       地謡    小林 忠  長沼常哲  湯田真佐弘

       鞍馬天狗  小野久子              河合政弘  庄條静雄

       玉之段    宇田宣子       地謡    堀 篤子  五十嵐常子  玉川おくに子

クセ   和田保子              瓜生光子  石田セツ子  五十嵐久子      


西王母」 解説  岩沢和子   青山 伯  稲村忠兵衛

     前シテ 古田豊子   ワ キ 岩淵健一          佐藤信英  中村寿男

     後シテ 森田ルリ子 ワキヅレ大橋酉助     地謡  鈴木圭介  伊藤毅

                    子方  柳内優佳         舟木真一  佐藤昌一


     能後見   松川善之助 丑米義弘 岸栄一郎 丸山一郎 小野木 保 伊東 正

     装束方  丸山美伊子 佐藤ヨネ 小野木和子 岸栄一郎 森田ルリ子 ほか



The story of Seioubo
The source of this Noh story is of an ancient Chinese myth. It is said that if a sovereign performs good politics, heavenly Seioubo (the queen of western heaven) will give as a prize a peach which will fruit only once in 3000 years, to the king (sovereign).
Before the beginning of Noh play, an artificial product (stage setting called the Ohyatai) is carried on to the stage and the king (main supporting role in a Noh play) and a minister appear on the stage. They explain a sight as follows with the chorus singers.
"The country is prosperous in peace by the politics brought from the new wise king we have never had before. We are very glad. The feudal lords' army and the poor peoples have gathered to the surroundings of the king's palace that shines dazzlingly.
As for the town, the day and night time are prosperous and crowded."

By looking at the stage setting of a simple structure, a spectator has to imagine a gorgeous big royal palace and the king who is surrounded by followers. A young woman (protagonist of the first half) appears with the branch of a peach tree on her shoulder .
"This branch is the peach on only one of the two branches a flower blooms . Moreover, the tree bears a fruit only once in 3000years. A flower which bloomes on this branch indecates your good politics" She says that she want to offer this branch to him. He asks her. "Is this the peach of Seioubo's garden?" She does not reply to it. She reveals a status "Really, I am a heavenly human being, and I am the other self of Seioubo " She also says that Heaven is an ageless paradise. as the peach will soon fruit,
she promises to return again in order to give it to him. Then, she disappears. He considers this affair as a sign from which a very auspicious thing arises. He assembles the musician of the Imperial Court, sounds a musical instrument, and waits for the appearance of Seioubo. Soon, the light shines on the yard of the royal palace. Then, beautiful Seioubo who attaches the crown appears. She wears the clothes of red Nishiki , and carries a sword lowered to the waist. From a female maid, she receives the peach and offers it to him. This means that his perpetual youth and longevity are now promised . In the feast she dances gracefully with fluttering the sleeve of her kimono. She soars and returns to western heavens calmly with some birds














能      解説  岩沢和子    

前シテ 古田豊子   ワ キ 岩淵健一 ワキヅレ大橋酉助

後シテ 森田ルリ子  子方  柳内優佳   

地謡  鈴木圭介 佐藤信英 舟木真一 青山 伯  佐藤昌一           伊藤毅   稲村忠兵衛   中村寿男     

後見 松川善之助 丑米義弘 岸栄一郎 丸山一郎 小野木 保         伊東 正

装束方  丸山美伊子 佐藤ヨネ 小野木和子 岸栄一郎 

         森田ルリ子 ほか


春の演能 5月30日(日)

       前シテ 一条正夫     大鼓 舟木真一        星 英男  稲村忠兵衛  

      後シテ 佐藤ヨシカ   小鼓 折笠成美      地  佐藤信英  中村寿男            

       ワ キ 有我嘉雄    笛 角田久美子         鈴木直寿  平林光雄     

        ワキツレ 伊東 正                     上野正義   佐藤昌一 

                 後見  丑米義弘 小野木保  平山 昇     


写真 上段左 ワキとワキヅレが都へ着いた

    上段右 前シテの童子が箒を持ち登場する

    中段 後シテ 馬上の坂上田村丸 

右は地謡 の方

    下段 申し合わせ(予行演習)の時の写真。上と同じ場面。







It is in the middle of March.
A priest from an eastern country arrives in capital Kyoto. He goes to Kiyomizutera temple, where cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
A boy (as a matter of fact,the spirit of Tamuramaru ) with a broom in his hands sweeps the dust away under the shade of a cherry tree.
The priest feels strange and asks the boy if he is a watchman of flowers?
The boy says that he is not the watchman but a servant of God here (Jisyugongen).
The priest asks the boy to teach him the history of this temple.
The history of the temple is as follow
A priest named Kensin from Yamato county had wanted to worship living kanzeon (one of the Buddha,the Goddess of Mercy).
One day, Kensin saw strange light in the sky and went to that direction.
There was one old man and he said to Kensin that a big temple should be built here.
So, Kensin asked Sakanouetamuramaru(a famous general and a man of power) for it and he built a temple here on Daidou 2 (807 A.D.).
It got dark, and the beautiful moon rose upon the peak of Mt Otowayama, and the flowers were lighted, and beautiful landscape of the surroundings came to the surface.
He tells the priest about each beautifull spot by pointing, and then he goes inside of Tamura temple.(intermisison)
When the priest is praying throughout a night ,Sakanouenotamuramaru appears with the Samurai's costume.
Tamuramaru shows the appearance by dancing that he fought against the bandit in Mt Suzuka.
He says" When I prayed to the Buddha(Goddess of Mercy )of this temple for my victory, the Buddha gave a smile to me, and I was encouraged.Therefore, I believe that I could subjugate them by Buddha's power"

   「藤 Fuji あらすじ 

         前シテ   瓜生光子  大鼓 坂内庄一            堀 篤子  石田セツ子

           後シテ  馬場律子  小鼓 阿部晃司       地  古田豊子  玉川おくに

   ワ キ  松尾幸生  太鼓 佐藤ヨシカ          金川照子  五十嵐常子

   ワキヅレ  舟木真一   笛  山田和彦           山田ミヤ子 志波幸世      

          後 見 松川善之助 岸栄一郎 丸山一郎

             装束方 丸山美伊子 佐藤ヨネ 小野木和子 岸栄一郎 森田ルリ子ほか









都からきた僧が北国をめぐり 、信濃の国善光寺に参詣する途上、越中の国多枯の浦を通りかかる。僧は折りしも今を盛りと咲きにほう藤の花を愛で,古歌「常磐なる松の名たてにあやなくもかかれる藤の咲きて散るやと」と口ずさむ。そこにどこからともなく美しい女が現れ、この地は藤の名所だが、どうして古歌「多枯の浦や汀の藤の咲きしより波の花さえ色に出でつつ」を詠じないのかとうらめし顔に言葉をかける。僧は女と歌についての問答をし、女の素性を尋ねると、女は藤の花の精であると答え、姿を消す。(中入り)


Fuji (wisteria)
A priest of the capital city tours around the beautiful spot of the northern country, and he goes to Zenkouji in Shinano country (current Nagano Prefecture).
In the middle of the trip, he happens to pass by Tagonoura of Ecchu country(current Toyama Prefecture)
The flowers of the wisteria are blooming there.
The priest recollects the old Waka which expressed about the transience of those flowers, and he hums it.
'Why don't you recite the Waka which praised Tagonoura, the beauty spot of the wisteria flower?"
The priest was impressed by her profound knowledge of Waka, and he asks who she is. She says that she is a floral fairy of wisteria, and she disappears. (Intermission).
While the priest is taking a nap, the floral fairy with her new costume appears again.
She tells the priest.
" I can speak with you in spite of the floral fairy. That is because I can change my figure freely by Buddha's power"

舞囃子「安宅」        シテ  大塚利衛

             大鼓 佐藤りえ           五十嵐久子  星茂登美

             小鼓 山田和彦       地
   和田保子    浜崎幸子

   堀 篤子            宇田宣子    渡部妙子

 舞囃子「鞍馬天狗」     シテ 平山 昇

          大鼓 浜崎幸子          鈴木圭介    角田喜久雄

小鼓 山田和彦         地  渡部藤之丞  松川善之助

  笛  石田桂子           皆川米作   岩淵健一

    青山 伯    新井田幸喜

    素謡7番  養老、三井寺,采女、清経、葵上、朝長、阿漕

   仕舞7番  高砂、鶴亀,野宮、藤、梅枝、三輪、邯鄲