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     10月30日(日)午前10時開始、終了午後4時頃 会津能楽堂にて


P1050059 P1050165 P1050159

P1050147 P1050134 P1050093

P1050081 P1050184 P1050075

 経 政 つねまさ Tsunemasa 修羅物、秋、所は京、仁和寺    修羅道とは武士が死後に落ちる地獄の一種で、そこは     永遠に殺し合いが続く苦しみの世界です。 

 シテ 堀 篤子 ワキ 鈴木圭介   囃子 大鼓 坂内庄一 小鼓 栗城幸子 笛 佐藤 仁  

         地謡 斎藤 堅 二瓶 晃 長澤 豊 松尾幸生 皆川米作 折笠成美 岩淵健一 渋川兼三 

                後見 上野正義 山内幸雄



 P1050264 P1050258
笛を合図としてワキが橋掛かりを運び、笛の音色が変わり、ワキの運びが止まり、ワキの名のり詞章が始まる。 ワキは経政のおさな友達 の    大納言の行慶僧都が脇座に移動し、腰桶に座し、「げにやーー」と謡だし、シテの出を待つ。
 P1050294  P1050315
笛の高音がシテの出の合図で運んでくる。  シテは「われ経政の幽霊だが,弔いの有り難さに出てきた」と謡う
 P1050321  P1050342
 シテ、ワキ、地謡の謡でのやりとり、問答があるが謡曲の内容は  難しい漢語、故事、和歌などが多く、一般には、理解しにくい。
 P1050360  P1050423
 シテは琵琶を抱き、花鳥風月を愛で、詩歌管弦興じたと思い出を語る。 琵琶をならし。やがて、立ち上がり袖を翻して「おもしろの夜遊や」と舞う 
 P1050453 P1050513
シテには管弦講(法事)に集まった多くの楽士が見え、一緒に演奏する。 「亡者も立ち寄り灯火の影に」と手向けの琵琶を弾く  帝釈天と戦う場面、刀を抜いて振り払うが自分の体さえ切ってしまい、その血は猛火となって「ああ、はずかしい。人には見られたくなかったのだが」と暗闇に紛れて見えなくなるラストシーン

●Tsunemasa. This story is called Shuramono and is the second program. Shuramono(dou ) is one of the hell into which the samurai falls after death, and is the world of suffering to which killing one another continues there through all eternity. The place is Ninna-ji Palace in autumn.

Heike family’s Tairanotsunemasa is an expert of the Japanese lute and is a young nobleman. He was loved by a prince Syukakuhossin, and given a Japanese lute “Seizan”. He deposited Seizan to Ninna-ji temple, and went to the western front with the family because he did not want to lose the rare utensil “Seizan” by the fight. However, he was killed in the battle at Itinotani on the way.
Kangenkou ( a funeral with the stringed instrument) for the soul of Tsunemasa is held in Ninna-ji temple by direction of the prince Syukakuhossin.
Kangenkou continued to midnight,and Tsunemasa of the appearance of a young samurai appears while the shadow is faint. He talks that he returned to the human world for the obsession. Only his voice hears into the faint shadow. He brings up and picks the lute “Seizan” and speaks that he spent satisfied and joyful in this world. He answers that he is Tunemasa when Gyoukei of the Waki post calls him. He keeps playing the lute while imagining,recollecting various scenes, and spends the time of bliss. Suddenly the anger and regret about having been killed by the fight welled up in him. He dances Cakeri before long. Soon he is caught up into an unmeasured fight against Asyura and Taisyakuten’s army and fights violently in the hell named Syuradou. He finds himself changed into an ugly appearance and is ashamed of it. And soon he is diverted to the dark and disappears when daybreak will begin to become near before long.

 成28年 薪能 演目「黑塚」 9月22日 会津能楽堂 ときどき小雨

  後シテ 坂内庄一  前シテ 佐藤ヨシカ   ワキ 渋川兼三 ワキヅレ 佐藤 仁

    囃子  大、船木真一 小 折笠成美 太 長谷川土希子 笛 石田桂子

      地 星 英男 白井治男 鈴木圭介 長澤  豊 皆川米作 一条正夫 平山 昇 相田幸三

        後見 上野正義 堀 篤子  栗城幸子(囃子後見)

 m-28takigidscf4552 m-28takigidscf4540
小雨、観客数が気になるが雨は晴れると信じて装束方は頑張る     装束方は後シテの着付けにとりかかる
 m-28takigidsc02251-%e3%82%b3%e3%83%94%e3%83%bc  m-28takigidsc02306
みすぼらしい家に住む老女に「宿を貸してくれ」と頼む旅の僧に断るが、とうとう頼みを聞く場面  安達ヶ原で日暮れとなりようやく見つけた一軒屋に必死で頼む旅の僧
 m-28takigidsc02258  m-28takigidsc02275
女主人はついに宿を貸すことにし、茅筵で寝床を用意する。祐慶は室内に入るが、片隅に見慣れない道具があるので、「それは何に使う道具か」と尋ねる。女主人は「それは枠かせわと言って自分のように卑しい者が麻を紡ぐための道具だ」と答える。  女が中から出た時から、舞台の場面は家の中に入った僧たちと女に変わる。糸を繰りながら、女主人が「車が廻れば糸が繰られ、繰り返し繰り返しするだけで尽きることがないように、人の一生も浮き世を巡る物憂さから離れることが出来ないことだ」と涙を流す。糸のように細く長い命のつれなさを託ち泣き崩れる。見所
m-28takigidsc02289 m-28takigidsc02305-%e3%82%b3%e3%83%94%e3%83%bc
夜寒なので薪を採ってくると言い、祐慶に「自分の留守中に決して隣の部屋を覗いてはいけない」と念を押します。念を押す強い口調所作も見所。本来の能舞台では間狂言が出て部屋をのぞき、観客にも状況を説明し、寝ている祐慶たちを起こし逃げさせる。 会津能楽会では祐慶たちが隣の部屋を覗いてしまう。数え切れないほどの屍を見て鬼のすみかと知り一行は慌てて逃げて行く。(大げさに後ずさりする所作で室内から外の場面へと移ったことになる)
m-28takigidsc02322 m-28takigidsc02338
本性を現した鬼女が現れ「決して覗くなと言ったのに約束を破られた恨みを晴らさないではおれない」と襲いかかる。  祐慶は必死の祈り鬼女を調伏する。鬼はあるときは勢いを盛り返すが次第に弱くなって行く。この変化が見所でもある。
m-28takigidsc02345-%e3%82%b3%e3%83%94%e3%83%bc m-28takigidsc02353
m-28takigidsc02363-%e3%82%b3%e3%83%94%e3%83%bc m-28takigidsc02372
 祐慶は必死の祈りでかろうじて鬼女を調伏にとどめをさすところ。  鬼女は扇をもち「恥ずかしのわが姿や」と舞いながら夜風の音にまぎれて失せるラストシーン。
m-28takigidsc02384 m-28takigidsc02385
観客の大きな拍手の反応を背に受けて 退場する。  終わりを告げる謡曲(附祝言)今回は猩々の一句ー結ぶと思えば泉はそのまま尽きせぬ宿こそめでたけれ)で終わりを告げる


見所は、前段の糸を繰りながら秋の情趣をしみじみと謡い人生のつれなさを嘆く「静」の場面と、後段の祐慶と鬼女の対決、恨みを晴らせないまま次第に調伏されていく鬼女の悔しさを表現する「動」の場面にある。(文責 山田和彦)


Noh Krozuka is a work made from Adatigahara hag legend. The place is Adatigahara in autumn ( current Fukushima Prefecture). A Buddhist monk of Nati ( current Wakayama Prefecture), Ajyari Yuukei and his followers go out to the travel for the purpose of the training and praying buddhist temples.
The day grew dark, when they arrived at Adatigahara(wasteland) on the way of the travel. They try to take the hotel but there is not a house either. They find a light far away, and go to borrow the lodging for one night. There is a mistress in the rude house and she refuses their offer ,saying that “It is not possible to lodge because here is too unsightly ” When Yuukei appeals her for the lodging many times, at last she approves the lodging. She prepares the bed with Kayamusiro (a kind of the carpet that is knited from the grass ). He finds a strange tool to the corner of the room, and he asks her , “Is this a tool used for what?” She answers. “It is called Wakukasewa. It is a tool for a person as poor as me to spin hemp” She begins to turn the string in the room that the moonlight opens. She mutters while turning the string, and throws tears. “While the spining wheel is turned, the string never stop turning. Human being cannot apart from the worldly dull and gloomy as like as the string” She chants the song that makes the poetic sentiment of autumn, and grieves for a thin,long life like the string. She stops the spining finally.
Because it becomes cold night , she says that I will take the firewood from the hillback. “Don’t peep into a next room in my absence” However, he breaks the prohibition, and peeps into a room after the woman goes out.
A lot of corpses were piled up there, and the stream of the blood were vast all over the floor. He learned that the demon lives in this rude house. They are terrified and they run away. She becomes demon’s appearance because the secret was exposed by him. You violated the promise although I told that you must not to peep into her room. “It is impossible that my grudge is not dispelled. I will eat you at a stretch”. She attacks them fiercely. When he recites desperately the Buddhist scriptures, the magic of the ogress has gradually becomes weak. The ogress left a terrific voice and will disappear before long.
The viewpoint of the former steps is a scene of “Quietness”; the woman grieves for an empty,bitter life while turning over the string. The viewpoint of latter part is a scene of confrontation “Movement”between Yuukei and the ogress. The scene expresses mortifying gradually cursed without working off a grudge of the ogress.(by ksk)

平成28年 春の演能  演目「草紙洗」

能」のあらすじと解説   季節は夏。場所は前半が小野小町邸、後半は宮中。三番目物




 dsc02048  dsc02056
 囃子方のチューニング(お調べ)に始まり、橋掛りから囃子方、右の切戸口より地謡方が、役者は囃子の合図で舞台に登場してくる。笛の一段と高い鋭い響きが合図となる。 先頭は初冠を付けた子方(王)、貫之、立衆、反対側にはシテ(小町)、立衆、ワキ(大伴黒主)が進んでくる。 一同が「めでたき御代の歌合せーーー」と座して、 歌合わせが始まる。
 dsc02062  dsc02063
舞台には見えないが参加している大勢の歌人達が、それぞれ短冊を提出する場面を想像してご覧下さい。シテが短冊を文台に載せるところ  司会進行役の貫之と立ち衆(貫之に同じ装束)と地謡とで全体的な状況説明を謡で行う
 dsc02069  dsc02071
 王の勅命により小町の歌「水辺の草」を詠み上げる。「まかなくに何を種とて浮草の波のうねうね生い茂るらん」と詠む貫之  ワキの黒主は小町の歌は古歌「万葉集」にあると異議申し立てをする。シテとワキの謡曲による論争が行われる
 dsc02079  dsc02085
 身に覚えのない疑いをかけられ落胆する小町シオリの所作     貫之は事の次第を王に報告する
 dsc02080  dsc02083
黒主から渡された万葉集(写本)を確かめると、書き加えられたらしい行や墨の色の違い、行の乱れに気がつき、草紙を洗えば、書き加えられた新しい墨は消えと小町は思う。  小町は泣く泣く立って、身の潔白と草紙に不審な点があることを貫之に訴え、落胆のあまり帰り始める。 貫之は帝王に小町の草紙を洗う提案を申し上げると王は「洗って見よ」と言い、小町は呼び戻される。
dsc02091 dsc02099
疑いを晴らす機会を与えられた小町は草紙を洗う。すると、文字は全て消え、疑いが晴れる。小町は心配からうれしい表情に代わります。この所作がシテの見せどころの一場面です 書き加えられた文字は消え残らなかった。これ皆、出雲、住吉、玉津島、赤人の恵みと伏し拝み、草紙を王に差し出す。
 dsc02100  dsc02105
入れ筆の工作が ばれて「かほどの恥辱よもあらじ、自害せんーーー」と黑主は立ち上がると、王もシテも「これも歌の道に熱心さのあまりから出たこと」と許し、呼び止める  後見役が文台を下げ、最後のシテの中の舞の準備をする
 dsc02104  dsc02109
 物着ー途中で装束を替える。黒風折烏帽子を付けて貰う 王の御代をことほぎ、和歌の道を称える「中の舞」である
 dsc02120 シテ(小町)山垣美枝子 子方(王)宇田宣子 ツレ(貫之)平山昇    ワキ(黒主)上野正義  立衆 渋川兼三 二瓶 晃    

地謡、  増井典子 秋本征子 佐藤文江 佐藤よしか 

     古田豊子 渡部妙子 玉川おくに 瓜生光子

囃子方 大 坂内庄一 小 折笠成美  笛 角田久美子

後 見   渡辺ヒロ子  堀 篤子


              (文責 山田和彦)


During the 9th century of the Heian Era, Otomo no Kuronushi (waki) and Ono no Komachi (shite), both among the “Six Poetic Geniuses” of the time, are set to compete against each other in a poetry contest at the imperial palace.
Kuronushi is sure he will lose because Komachi`s skill is greater. So, he sneaks into Komachi`s house. Komachi is at home composing a poem based on the contest topic, “water grasses.” Kuronushi eavesdrops and steals her poem.
Kuronushi`s plan is to insert Komachi`s poem into the “Man`yoshu”(an anthology of 4,500 poems compiled around 759 AD) and accuse her of plagiarism. And so, he waits for the contest to begin on the following day.
The day of the contest, the greatest poets of the era have gathered before the Emperor. It is a spectacular display of courtly elegance. The reading of poems begins. Komachi`s poem is chosen first. Kuronushi objects and presents the copy of the “Man`yoshu” he has prepared as evidence. He says Komachi copied an old poem. Alarmed by this sudden accusation, Komachi defends herself at all odds. She notices that the black ink of the stolen poem is newer than the rest of the book. She requests to wash the book in clean water. The courtier, Tsurayuki, says that if the book is washed and the ink doesn`t fade, it would be a disgrace. Upset and overcome by shame, Komachi attempts to leave. But, Tsurayuki speaks to the Emperor, who decrees that he will forgive the washing of the book.
Then, Komachi washes the book in a golden wash tub. The ink of the old poems does not fade. However, the new ink Kuronushi used to write the stolen poem is completely washed away. Kuronushi`s trick is uncovered and Komachi is proven innocent.
In this turn of events, Kuronushi becomes ashamed and decides he has no choice but to commit suicide. Komachi stops him and says his actions were caused by an enthusiasm that is essential to the art of poetry composition. The emperor agrees with Komachi and forgives Kuronushi. The gathering of poets is glad Komachi`s name has been cleared and Kuronushi`s devotion to the art of poetry has been forgiven. In a flowered robe and courtier`s cap, Komachi dances before the court in celebration of peace and the virtues of poetry.
This play may be referred to as “gendai noh”(realistic). All the poets who appear are in the “Kokinwakashu,” (or “Kokinshu”) which is an anthology compiled around 920 AD. It covers about 140 years of court poetry arranged by topic (e.g. seasons, congratulations, love, travel, laments). Komachi and Kuronushi lived during the same time period, but Ki no Tsurayuki (one of the four compilers) lived fifty years later. This means that the events of this play are probably fictional. The theme is “When the poet is ardent, the art of poetry is superior.” The audience`s interest is captured by the suspenseful drama of Kuronushi`s crafty plan and how Komachi clears herself of suspicion. The scene in which she washes the book is a particular highlight of this play. With joy, she performs chuunomai (a medium tempo dance) and kiri (a faster tempo closing dance). By ksk



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